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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Good idea, I've added this task https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4373
  2. Thanks for the feedback. This would only be if the user was linked to multiple accounts. It would have to be a setting to allow this or not.
  3. Blesta doesn't store the gateway on an invoice prior to payment because Blesta doesn't force a particular payment method on an invoice. Once payment is made, the details are stored. Any gateway can be used that supports the currency of the invoice. Are you saying you want to force a client to pay with a specific gateway? If not, what is the use case for having a gateway associated prior to payment, given that the actual gateway used may be different?
  4. Well said. We appreciate you, and @TheMaster. If you search around, you can find plenty of bad things people have said about Blesta on these forums. We leave them because we believe in free and open dialogue. Censorship is against freedom of expression. People will say things that are wrong, and others will see it and it'll only hurt their own reputation. We would like to see @TheMaster stay. Obviously that's up to him.
  5. That's wrong. My opinion is that there is nothing unethical here, and you are very much welcome. We do not censor all opinions we disagree with. If you want to throw all your hard work away because of some random person, that's up to you. Seems like you're giving up quite a bit to do so.
  6. Overreact much? If one person's opinion causes this kind of reaction, I'm not sure how you get up every morning and carry on. Seriously. I happen to disagree with them, by the way, but we're not going to censor people on the forum because it hurts your feelings.
  7. It wouldn't be the first time, people can judge for themselves. It doesn't seem unethical to me.
  8. This issue has to do with using a comma as the decimal separator instead of a period? Does EUR normally use a comma?
  9. What was the renew date for the service? If it is scheduled for cancellation, no invoice would be generated. If the scheduled cancellation is removed, then the service should be invoiced at the next daily invoice cron run. So, it can take up to 24 hours for an invoice to be generated. Note: "next daily invoice cron run" if the service should be invoiced based on the renew date.
  10. Hello! We have a task to allow users to have access to multiple client accounts, potentially cross-company. It's likely it will be cross-company. Upon login, a user belonging to multiple client accounts will have to choose which one to use. There hasn't been a ton of demand for this, and there are some details to work out, but it is something we are planning to do. See https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-3942
  11. The license hasn't been transferred to you yet right? If this is the same ticket I'm thinking of, we have invoiced the original owned for the transfer fee and will transfer once paid. The email they provided matches the email you used to register for the forums.
  12. The license is valid and eligible for transfer. If a buyer has been found, please update the ticket with the name and email address of the buyer when it is ready to be transferred. We will invoice for the transfer fee, and transfer when paid.
  13. Please open a ticket and mention this thread so we can confirm that it is valid and eligible for transfer.
  14. Blesta version 5.1.0-b2 (BETA 2) is now available. You can download it from right here (Client Area Login Required). Read the blog post announcement at https://www.blesta.com/2021/06/09/blesta-5.1-beta-released/ This is a BETA release. Beta releases are not considered stable enough for production use, and are UNSUPPORTED. DO NOT INSTALL IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. Please report any bugs you find in the v5.1 beta bug forum. Installing Blesta See Installing Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Upgrading Blesta See Upgrading Blesta in the User Manual for instructions. Release Notes See Blesta Core - Version 5.1.0. For older releases see all Change Logs.
  15. Sounds like several things would be needed. 1. Under a Package, the "Taxable" option if checked, would need to allow Level 1 / Level 2 tax to apply individually 2. Under a client, the Tax Exempt option would need to allow them to be exempt from all tax, or Level 1 / Level 2 independently 3. When creating/editing an invoice, there is a "Tax" option, but you need to be able to manually apply Level 1 / Level 2 or both taxes to each item? Let me know if that sums it up.
  16. Is manual exemption on a per-client basis fine? For example, if we made it so that if you click to make the client tax exempt, we added an option to exempt level 1, level 2, or both. Would that resolve it?
  17. Blesta Addons response above is accurate. The only thing is that it's not possible to exempt level 1 or level 2 tax independently. Either the tax applies, or it doesn't. Level 1 and level 2 tax can be set by area, which would control which of the 2 tax levels apply to any specific client, and a client can be marked as exempt from all tax. If you install the version 5 trial again and have any questions or need any help, let us know
  18. What does the text version of the email template content show? Click the Text tab when editing the email template. Also, check the welcome email content for the Package. Under Packages > Edit, Welcome Email section. If there is an invalid tag in use, or some other error in the HTML or Text section, it may be causing an error. You can check your logs at ../logs_blesta/ (Defined under Settings > System > General) to see if any errors are written at the time the service is provisioned and the email would be sent. If there is an invalid tag or invalid logic in the template, something should be written to the logs. Most likely the issue would be related to the welcome email content on the Package, especially if you haven't modified the Service Creation template (most don't change this much or often).
  19. That's great! We are glad that you are considering Blesta. Do you mean the "Pay Now" link that appears in invoice emails that does not require a client to be logged in to make payment? This link does not automatically log the client into the client area, it only allows them to make a payment without being logged in. So, while it's possible that some information about the client can be seen as required for making payment, using the link does not give full access to the client account. Clicking the link allows payment, but you cannot see other invoices, services, transactions, or place orders or anything like that. Limited access for the purpose of making payments only. If you do not want to use the Pay Now link, you can remove it from the email templates. But most people like it because it's easier to get clients to pay without needing to remember their login.
  20. expsoltech.com has created a QBO plugin for Blesta, I believe they will be releasing it very soon and it'll appear on our marketplace.
  21. All services are provisioned in the same way. Modules can perform actions, but if you'rs doesn't perform any actions the system still needs to convert it from a pending service to an active service and send out a welcome email. Are you using the None or the Universal module? What payment gateway do your clients typically use? The main reason the cron processes activations is so not to make the client or an IPN call an unreasonably long time (Some modules take significant time to provision). We are looking at ways to speed this up and hope to implement something in the future.
  22. Does simply changing the registrar on the service in WHMCS cause the domain to be actually transferred to another registrar? That would seem very unusual. Normally when a domain is registered with a registrar, it must renew with the same registrar unless you go through the whole transfer process, submitting a transfer (EPP) key, confirming via email, etc.
  23. For details, see https://www.blesta.com/2021/06/09/blesta-5.1-beta-released/
  24. The error references /components/reports/vat_moss/ which does not ship with Blesta. Does this directory exist? Did you make any customizations?
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