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Blesta Developers
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Posts posted by Paul

  1. Video games are my escape, not always, and only in short bursts, but still, I need to defocus from development, and system maintenance/design and just unwind occasionally. Everybody needs a hobby. :)


    Some games I have recently played: CS:GO, Left for Dead 2, Starcraft 2, Minecraft

  2. so what you're telling me is that I should probably stay away from it for now too... OK! lol thanks for information, I had just stumbled across it and wasn't sure if it would actually benefit anything or what


    I like the idea of it, but I have never heard of an actual commercial PHP application distributed in this format.

  3. It's already possible.



    Just add x-webkit-speech to the end of the input field.



    Then you can add a simple javascript timer/delay that would submit the form (to search) after it detects a value in the field...


    It's a feature exclusive to webkit browsers I'm assuming. Do you think people would use this on a regular basis?

  4. We had this discussion internally a long time ago, and chose not to use it for many reasons. What all those reasons were, I can't remember.. but it has a requirement of PHP 5.2, which would raise our minimum requirement.

  5. Why must you store, even temporarily the CVV data? If you have to store locally, at least it can be PCI compliant. Does this gateway require the CVV for every transaction?


    Cody's right.. this would probably be a deal breaker for us if the client was unwilling to listen. There are lots of negotiables with development, but this isn't really one of them and you could be drawn into it if there is a breach. If it's a customer you really need to keep, at a minimum, I would want a signed liability waiver and acknowledgement that it goes against your recommendation. If there is a breach later on, he can't point the finger at you (or sue you).

  6. ubersmith wants some retarded money too ($2500/m for our business) and they are a rock solid team with rock solid software. But they are NOT worth that money, because their software has horrible integrations and doesn't really do much of anything. Blesta will, in just a few releases I believe, surpass ubersmith. All blesta needs is Onapp integration, dedicated server module, device manager, ip manager and perhaps monitoring and they will be well on their way to competing with ubersmith. I'd gladly consider sponsoring development of these modules with blesta too... I wonder if we could get a group of us to do so and convince the blesta team to concentrate their efforts a bit more on that end.


    We are open to that idea.

  7. Paul, I do not see the interest of your comment.

    We would have gladly change to your system, but it does not show the required modules, how do we use it?
    The only option is HostBill, WHMCS or Ubersmith, HostBill was our chosen because it is the cheapest for the features we want.
    We have no interest in sending ticket for them, everything is well documented.
    This subject has no interest, because comparing HostBill which is a mature software with Blesta which is a relatively new software, a comparison is a bit absurd.


    Blesta will have more features, and more support for dedicated and VPSs as we move forward. So, you're right in drawing a distinction between us and HB. All in due time.


    I think this thread is more about people's distrust in their business practices, but we certainly feel that people should use what they want to use. If HB is the best thing for your business, by all means, go for it.


    In my (admittedly biased) opinion, there is additional unnecessary risk with using their software, but I'll leave it at that. Our focus is Blesta, and building the best software we can. The 3.0 release is just the beginning.

  8. I think most people would agree that their software is pretty advanced, and becoming more targeted to enterprise. The problem is that they completely destroyed their reputation. They didn't start out on a good foot either, the first version was a complete rip from WHMCS.. the staff area looked the same, and the database schema was pretty much identical. (I talked to Matt and Aaron from WHMCS directly at HostingCon in Austin about this). They also stole our software license agreement.


    Talented developers? Yes. Ethical businessmen? No.

  9. In v2 we actually had an option to enter the spamassassin binary path, and we would run everything through spamassassin first. I don't think many people used it though.


    Using re-captcha or areyouhuman here is probably a good idea.

  10. I believe there is an event on service renewal that can trigger the module to calculate and return bandwidth overages for the previous month. It's one of those things we thought about and planned for on some level, but don't have a working example of yet. This could be used for any kind of overage.

  11. As I've learned in another thread, Blesta v1 wasn't versioned well and was mainly written at night..


    But two questions:


    1) Where did the idea come from? Did you see the need for a simpler system or was it just a "I wonder if I can do that better" kind of thing?


    Around 2003 I started writing a billing application for our own internal use, in the middle of the night at home, because nothing really existed. In 2007 we decided to turn it into a product and with Cody's help we released v1. Then we started to get more serious about it and released v2. We had limited success initially, and with v2 it started to gain some traction and we saw the potential.


    The motivation for us is to showcase our abilities and to build the best software we possibly can. We think we're uniquely qualified to do it. It's not all about money for us.. if we have a choice between making more money and making better software, we will pick better software. Of course, money is nice too and allows us to do more of what we like to do but we put our best foot forward and work with integrity.


    2) I'm sure this isn't the first thing you've programmed. Why the decision to sale it as a product VS anything else you've written or could have written?


    We do very high end web application development for other companies, and they own the rights to the software we write. Blesta is our own product and where we want to be. I have been involved in the hosting industry since 2000, so hosting billing software is a really good fit.. it's what we know. We have lots and lots of ideas, and if we can get Blesta to where we think it can be you'll see a lot more from us. Complimentary products.


    Just curious as to the motivation behind it all!


    While I don't know many programmers in person to even try to "team" with, I would like to "openly" sale a program or two one day (instead of just "custom" programs for specific, one time installs) and want to know more of the story behind this one!


    We learned a lot with our initial v1 release. Building an application is one thing, building a product is an entirely different beast. It's a lot more work.


    Honestly, building web applications for other people is in many senses easier.. but it's not as rewarding.

  12. Need a ban email address or IP on Blesta ;D


    Do you find most attacks originate from the same location or email address? I can see an internal blacklist being useful for that 1 pesky person who won't stop opening tickets or placing fraudulent orders but most of the time the stuff we see is distributed.

  13. Thanks for the suggestions, most of these we will definitely be implementing. Our development process is iterative, and we often circle back around and improve existing features.


    I don't have an ETA for these changes, but I'm curious what the community thinks in terms of priority.. which of these items are most important?

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