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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Thanks, we have a task here https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-4574
  2. Interesting. I'm not able to reproduce this. So you have the .mmdb file in the right location, and the database shows that geoip_enabled is true and the settings page for GeoIP at ~/admin/settings/system/general/geoip/ still throws an error? Check if GeoIP is actually working. Go to a client's profile page, hover over their IP address on the left next to "Last seen". Does it show their location in the a tooltip? Are there any other errors written to the log file ../logs_blesta/ (full path defined under Settings > System > General) when you reload the GeoIP settings page?
  3. So far I've not been able to reproduce this on Blesta 5.3.0-b1. I am able to change the renew date even if there is a partial payment on it. Are you sure only the due date is being modified? Can you provide the full line item description and price of each line item? Maybe we can reproduce using the same data.
  4. The amount in the "Amount to Pay" box cannot exceed the "Payment Amount". If the payment is 5 million, you cannot apply 10 million to the invoice. Change the Amount to Pay to be equal to the Payment Amount and it should work. This is not a bug.
  5. It would be located at ~/uploads/system/GeoLite2-City.mmdb whatever the path to your uploads directory is. If you have access to the database, you can also check to make sure it's not enabled. Here's the query to run to check: SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE `key`="geoip_enabled"; settings.value would be false for disabled, and true for enabled. If it is true, change it to false to disable it
  6. If that doesn't work, you might try enabling GeoIP and see if that gets rid of the error. To do that you'd need a free MaxMind account to download the data file though.
  7. What happens when errorReporting is 0 and debugging is false in /config/blesta.php? Does it still produce a 500 error? There is a possibility that some files may be missing. Sometimes they get skipped when uploading, I would try re-uploading the files from zip, overwriting the existing just to be sure everything is there. If your FTP program lists all the files, make there were no errors uploading.
  8. Do you have errorReporting or debugging enabled in your /config/blesta.php config file? What version of PHP are you running? Is this a fresh 5.2.2 install or did you upgrade from an earlier version? If you upgraded, what version did you first install?
  9. Do you have GeoIP enabled under Settings > System > General > GeoIP Settings? If you upgraded from an earlier version that had the legacy version of MaxMind GeoIP, you must DELETE the original GeoIP data file and upload a new one.
  10. It sounds like there's a problem with that plugin. You can try this.. in MySQL, change the plugin in the plugins table from enabled=1 to enabled=0, then see if the page loads. If it doesn't, you will need to delete the record from the plugins table for the plugin and delete the plugin files. Backup everything first, database + files. To do a thorough job of removing it, any/all tables the plugin may have created should be deleted manually as well. Because it's a 3rd party plugin, I have no idea what those are though. But, this shouldn't be necessary if you are not going to try re-installing it later.
  11. The API response is logged to the module log under Tools > Logs > Module tab. Click the row for the API call to expand it and see the raw input/output from the API call. Usually the output will provide more information. If there is some kind of PHP error, it would be logged to the file logs under ../logs_blesta (Path defined under Settings > System > General) so you may want to check this also. Only errors written during the registration attempt would be relevant.
  12. If it marks it as read but doesn't import it, it is probably failing. Try disabling your cron job, and running it manually under Settings > System > Automation by clicking the button, after a 5-min wait with an email ready to be imported. At the same time, tail your logs via SSH. tail -f /path/to/logs_blesta/*.log Note any output and whether the email is imported when running the cron manually that way.
  13. What version of Blesta are you running? Namesilo requires that you have a payment ID and a verified payment method to register/renew/transfer domains over the API. That is the most common reason it does not work as expected. It is possible to manually renew/transfer/register domains with Namesilo through their interface without a verified payment ID, but not over their API.
  14. How are you importing tickets, using POP, IMAP, or piping? Are you saying that a new email to the department opens a ticket, but replying to the email sent to the client from a staff reply does not get imported? It's unusual that an email would be imported for a new ticket but not for a reply unless the reply is missing the required information in the subject line. I would check that mailparse and php-imap are installed. When changing PHP versions, this is most commonly overlooked. The errors you've included do not appear to be related.
  15. It's a good idea for sure, but as you've noted it hasn't had that much support thus far. As a result, it isn't a very high priority, but definitely something we'd like to add support for.
  16. If you installed Blesta in a subdirectory called "clientarea" then this is why. You would need to install Blesta in the document root. If you have a website, then you should use a subdomain.
  17. You can change the path to the admin and client areas by changing their routes in a config file. See https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Configuration+Files#ConfigurationFiles-routes.php for an example for these. If you change the admin route, you will need to clear your navigation cache which can be done by resaving your staff group (Settings > System > Staff > Staff Groups: Edit & Resave)
  18. Stripe Payments supports ACH in Blesta 5.3, which is not out yet. Beta soon.
  19. There may be a problem with the logo or background image you have set. Try removing them to see if it resolves the issue, and if so, try re-saving them differently from your photo editor.
  20. Looks like you created a request here https://requests.blesta.com/topic/support-for-hosted-transactional-email-postmark-mandrill-mailgun-etc We are considering transactional email integration, it's something that I think we are likely to do, it's just not a very high priority at the moment. We'll keep an eye on your request
  21. Paul

    Piping stopped working

    Check also that PHP IMAP and Mailparse are in your CLI PHP. Your ../logs_blesta/ error logs may have more information. Trying to pipe manually via SSH as in the test case described in the docs should help to narrow it down.
  22. Paul

    Piping stopped working

    Blesta doesn't include a pipe2.php so if you are using multi-company, check that it is a copy of pipe.php but has the correct company ID defined in the files. Double check that the file is executable (chmod 755), and that the full and correct path to PHP is included in the hashbang on the 1st line of the file. If your account is in a chroot environment, it may not be possible for the mail server to pipe email into Blesta. The next step would be to test piping per https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager#SupportManager-TestingPiping via SSH.
  23. We're revisiting custom ticket department fields, might be something we could do for version 5.4 or 5.5, we'll see. Requires some additional internal planning. Thanks for the suggestion.
  24. FYI this was implemented in 5.0 https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1935
  25. Did you try using the "Offline Payment" gateway? You can include your own message describing how to submit payment, even include a link to make payment through another website.
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