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Posts posted by Suhesh

  1. It is a good feature for spam prevention. But with some tweaking. 

    For my situation, client's server is down ( obviously the domain also down ). Now he comes with us telling his login to blesta not working, seems it is due to the dns query. I tried to reset the password and it failing with "Invalid email address".  So in this condition, it should have except the condition. Since the email address is valid and at the moment domain is down. 

    If I am a hosting company (a test scenario ) and using blesta for billing and customer domain suspended due to billing. So in that case customer is in deadlock situation. Since he can't get an option to login to hosting billing login for the payment to bring his domain up. So making adjustments in this feature is a good option. 


  2. Now I am facing some issues with the result( license date ) from the blesa

    The product added using "License Module" will show the license key as "Label" under client area and that will cause some confusion in the customers about the license key. Is there any option to change this value ?

    Following are the list from "Services" after we click on "manage". 

    Package    :Package name 
    Label    : AGC123G4B8DEFS8   # this need to be modified to License key or need to get a new column with License key
    Status    : Active

    Also the data from the server received conatains this array ( part of the array only ). 
     [custom] => Array ( [license_type] => month [cancellation_date] => )

    Here only cancellation date is provided. If we set the service/product to renew after one month, there is no cancellation date will be provided, so we cannot display the renew date in the product. Is there any option to pass renew date with the service using the lisence module ? Now we are setting the product with scheduled cancellation at the renew date, so that the product will show the end of the term. 

  3. Hello,

    It is resolved by using the following code provided by @Tyson

    require_once "path/to/license.php";
    $server_url = "https://domain.com/path_to_blesta/plugin/license_manager/validate/";
    $license_key = "YOUR LICENSE KEY"; // The license key
    $public_key = null; // The client's public key (if they have one)
    $shared_secret = "YOUR SHARED SECRET"; // A random shared secret value that exists for this Licese Module product
    $path_to_phpseclib = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "phpseclib". DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // The path to the phpseclib library
    $license = new License($path_to_phpseclib);
    $license_manager = $license->getManager();
    $license_manager->setKeys($license_key, $public_key, $shared_secret);
    // Get the public key
    $public_key = $license_manager->requestKey();
  4. Hello,

    I have tried the code in the below reply. 

    There is no public_key get from the server.  So I try to manage to get the key from the server logs for testing.  And in the second script (for fetching and verifying license data ), I get the following message after adjusting the variable path_to_phpseclib By add a slash (/) at the end, which is   "phpseclib/


        [status] => unknown

    Can anyone suggest a solution for the same. 

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