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Posts posted by PauloV

  1. Great job cyandark :)

    For people saying its a scam or not worth it, just use the original, you are not forced to buy it. Do you know how many hours it takes for a dev to this? Even for just modifing the theme? Think again ;)

    I will buy this module because it worth the 5 Bucks for the work he have.

    All my modules and plugins are free and i add a lot of hours, most of them where based on existent modules/plugins.

    Keep up the great work cyandark :blesta:

    P.S- @cyandark in the future change from pay 5 Bucks to "I accep donations starting at 5 bucks" lol

  2. That number keeps being the same. I created an invoice in Jun 25, it's proforma-invoice #140. Today, I created another invoice, and system created another proforma-invoice #140. 


    When proforma-invoices are paid, the real invoice numbers are automatically changed correctly, however. So, something wrong at proforma-invoice number.


    We all are in the same boat :)


    Please check also this and help us ;) http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4368-lets-fix-blesta-eu-invoices-and-make-vatmoss-compatible-all-in-one-thread/

  3. Hello Paul :)


    The biggest problems with blesta so far is:


    - EU Full compiled

    - Domain Managment


    All outher things are secundary because we can build new Plugins/Modules or ask a DEV to do it, like the "Newsletter Plugin" or the "Afilliate Plugin" etc.. all of us can live without it, we have 3rd party scripts for free that can coexist with Blesta, but we cant add EU Full compiled code or the new Domain functionality because it mess with core functions. (I hope Lisencecart dosent see this post lol, just joking Mike :blesta: )

  4. Hello andre.peters :)


    Like you there are many people with the same problem. I have compile everithing we need to EU Invoicing in this post: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4368-lets-fix-blesta-eu-invoices-and-make-vatmoss-compatible-all-in-one-thread/


    If you have any question or make more "pressur" to implement all these features please post all your questions and what you need in the "compiled EU invoicing forum"above ;)

  5. Hello,


    My sugestion is to not execute by mistake any command wen "Use Module" is checked, because, like me, by mistake, we can execute for exemple a termination command, or any outher command and we cant revert :)


    For exemple, on OPENSRS I have added the option in tabs, "Commands", and it will show the blestaModalConfirm on every execution to not make any mistakes ;)






  6. Hi Blesta Users,  :blesta:


    Yesterday im decided to upgrade Blesta to the latest version (3.4.4) and cPanel of my server from 11.49 to 11.50, After the upgrade, the cPanel Extended module stop working, Showing always "Internal Error". And don't show more the Disk and Bandwidth Statistics.


    The original cPanel Module from Blesta have the option to change the password, and cPanel Extended don't have.


    This Fixed version have the option to change the Password of cPanel from Blesta and its fixed and works again this fantastic module.


    Enjoy ;)


    PS: Sorry for my bad english  :(





    Great work Cyandark :) I Love cPanel extended and I will use (hope blesta add as core, this is a must)


    Many thanks Modulesgarden for starting this Plugin and share with us (to bad that your are now "tied hands" with WHMCS, because with blesta you could win a lot more), and thanks to Paul/Tyson/Cody to update and fix some problems in the past :)


    Keep it comming Cyandark :blesta:

  7. Is there something related to the Core of Blesta that requires the Support Manager Pro module to be so ugly?

    Or can it be completely fixed up and made to look much prettier and better layout/spacing/sizing, etc.



    My personal opinion Blesta Support Manager is one of the most beutiful themed out there (comparing against WHMCS/ClientExec/HostBill and the older AWBS/WHMAutopilot/ModernBill)


    But you can eseally theme on your own, just edit the .pdt and .css files in /views/default/ under the supportmanagerpro plugin forlder :)


    Hi Paulov,


    please note i do not define myself as a developer (i'm a system administrator).


    ..but i think i saw a couple of problems with the code.  Should may want to take a look at this page : http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSUS3D/com.ibm.wbpm.mon.admin.doc/sec/entitlement_system_sample_interface.html?lang=en you will see it seems like you should be using 




    * TODO Create an Event to change the Type from domain to domainrenew $package->module_id

    * OpenSRS 100% completed

    * Adds the service to the remote server. Sets Input errors on failure,

    * preventing the service from being added.


    * @param stdClass $package A stdClass object representing the selected package

    * @param array $vars An array of user supplied info to satisfy the request

    * @param stdClass $parent_package A stdClass object representing the parent service's selected package (if the current service is an addon service)

    * @param stdClass $parent_service A stdClass object representing the parent service of the service being added (if the current service is an addon service and parent service has already been provisioned)

    * @param string $status The status of the service being added. These include:

    * - active

    * - canceled

    * - pending

    * - suspended




    ...what i can see in the opensrs module is : 



    /**TODO Create an Event to change the Type from domain to domainrenew $package->module_id

    * OpenSRS 100% completed

    * Adds the service to the remote server. Sets Input errors on failure,

    * preventing the service from being added.


    * @param stdClass $package A stdClass object representing the selected package

    * @param array $vars An array of user supplied info to satisfy the request

    * @param stdClass $parent_package A stdClass object representing the parent service's selected package (if the current service is an addon service)

    * @param stdClass $parent_service A stdClass object representing the parent service of the service being added (if the current service is an addon service and parent service has already been provisioned)

    * @param string $status The status of the service being added. These include:

    * - active

    * - canceled

    * - pending

    * - suspended


    Does the @params are still evaluated by php if the recommended @params format is not in place?  The IBM documentation (as well as phpdoc) seems clear on the fact this may expose your plugin to a security vulnerability.  I see this for many functions in the opensrs.php file...  


    ***Also, it seems like the spyc.php version and a couple other libraries that seems to come from the opensrs dev kit and the whmcs module are not up to date with their latest versions.  I would suggest to find another way to do this other than by modifying the libraries, so it will make things easier for everyone to upgrade them :)


    I see you also commented our a line that seems to secure the opensrs loader file : 


     On line 11 of openSRS_loader.php, you forgot i think to remove the comment after testing : 


     //define("OPENSRSURI", dirname(__FILE__));


    You module is working fine even if this security is enabled.  I saw no problem on this side.



    Another question : do you have an official git where we can push improvements on your plugin?  Will you accept those requests?


    Cheers and thank you for providing us with the module :)








    I have to clean the code, the code is not vleaned because is in Alpha :)


    Dont tale in count the comments in the code because is based on enom and internebs module so the text comments are iqual ;)


    Im finishing the Whois Contacts fileds change to relase in 2/3 days :blesta:

  9. Thanks for the help naja7host :)


    Because Im only using the warnings for my Modules/Plugins I will use my internal var "ierror" (internal error lol), and I will add the extra lines of code (untill blesta devs include in core the soltuion)


    The error messages are very handy, because we dont know if there is a problem wen managing a module/plugin only spending some minutes debugging or seeing logs :)


    Here is the solution for displaying error messages on Modules/Plugins in Tabs navigations (wen not posting/submiting forms), on the fly:
    On your module/plugin just add the a var to colect the error message wen not post/submit form like this exemple:
     $vars->ierror = "my error message"; //colect and send the error message to .pdt
    on your .pdt file add on top this code:
            if ($this->Html->ifSet($vars->ierror)){
        <div class="error_section">
    <article class="error_box error">
    <a href="#" class="close">×</a>
    <p style="padding:0px 0px 0px 30px; vertical-align: middle;"><?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($vars->ierror); ?></p>
    Nad its working on all my modules/plugins, displying the error message directly from the API of my Module/Plugin, insted of going in Tools->Logs to see what went rong :blesta:
  10. that's weird because you don't want to index urls for modules? packages yes, order forms yes, knowledgebase yes, articles yes, but not modules.



    I think what naja7host is trying to say is:


    Its better for Blesta add new pages to blesta.com website and/or in blesta docs website to each registrar and with each logo, for exemple:


    enom page is: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Enom


    and naja7host recommend to add also:






    and then redirect the user to:





  11. Hello :blesta:


    On module tab navigation, how to set up error messages on the fly?
    We have the opensrs module, wen there is an error conecting or getting any data, for exemple we want to display the error message and it dosent display wen navigating on the TABS
    On the outher hand we have sucessful add the error message wen POST the form like so:
    $errors[] = "my error message";
    $this->Input->setErrors(array('errors' => $errors));
    but dont work wen loading TABS only POST/Modifying the module options
    Thanks in advance for any help ;)
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