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Posts posted by PauloV

  1. Excellent!  If the customer changes their term, say to 2 years, will the module renew the domain for 2 years?


    We are wanting to provide domain management to customers who already have domains registered, and it looks like this is going to work.  But one thing I noticed so far: Through the admin side, after adding Domain Registration service for a domain that is already registered (by unchecking 'Use module'), I am unable to change the renew date to match the actual expiration date at Opensrs.  It looks like the new date is saved in the Change Renew Date form, but it is not reflected in the Date Renews field for the service.  I'm not seeing any errors or anything.  Is this a bug?  Please let me know if this is unclear.


    Thanks again.



    - Yes, if he custummer changes to 2 years, it will charge/renew for 2 years :)


    - After you add the domain/service, click again on the Domain in Manage->Actions select the option in "Action" select box, "Change Renew Date", then you can change the date :) (dont forget to uncheck "Use module"), and click "Save"

  2. Thanks for the most recent update.  I uninstalled the old one, installed the new one, and now it seems to work.  One question: If I register a domain with Domain Registration and the package price period is set as recurrent (1 year), will the module automatically renew the domain the following year?  Or should Domain Registration only be used as one-time, and Domain Renew be set up as recurrent?


    Thank you so much for your work on this!



    Yes, your custommer will recive automaticly an order to pay the domain renew, after payment confirmation, OpenSRS Module will auto renew the domains for XX years of he/she order for, in the begining :)

  3. @ PauloV


    Blesta Live Chat Login BUG? 


    I installed the latest version of Blesta Live Chat and activated plugin. But when I click the LIVE CHAT menu item and the popup login window appears, nothing happens when I enter:


    Username: admin  


    Password: pass##


    and the LOGIN button...the window just simply looks like it refreshes, and the username and password fields are cleared.


    Am I doing something wrong?  I Did try uninstalling and downloading and installing a fresh copy of the latest plugin, but still no success on my attempt to log into the Live Chat.



    Here it is the solution :)  http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1928-blesta-live-chat-rc-107-4%C2%BArc/page-8#entry22817

  4. Hello.  I am trying out this module.  I have installed and set up a package for domain registration.  But when trying to add the service to a client account via the admin interface, I get an "Oh noes!" with the following error:


    array_intersect_key() [<a href='function.array-intersect-key'>function.array-intersect-key</a>]: Argument #2 is not an array on line 251 in /[system-path]/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php


    It seems like this must be working for most folks.  What could be causing this failure?


    Thank you for your hard work on this module.  It is a much needed addition to Blesta.



    Can you try to re-upload all files, and uninstall and install it again?

  5. Hi,


    Possible there is missing validations on user input?  I am not yet an expert in object oriented programing, but it seems like the different forms make it possible to submit whatever you want to the Tucows API.  I understand it return errors if the input is not valide, but is this really the best way to go?


    I mean, for example, the $ns variables, and the $callArray[$contactType].  


    Also, there seems to be a bug on the ClientSettings page.  It doesn't grab the current status before showing the fieldRadio's.    As a result, a customer will alway's see he's domain as locked, while it is unlocked.


    After a couple of months/years, i imagine many customers will have unlocked domains, while their domain show up as locked...


    Thank you,




    Thanks for finding the bugs, I will try to fic it ASAP :)


    The litle time I have to develop the free modules like OpenSRS, sometimes I try to implement in the Quickiest Way just to make it work for now, of course all the code have to be revised in the end and polish all to work as we all aspected :)


    Also OpenSRS tecnitions are helping me, and they will revise all code in the end and advise on things that I have to do to be approved oficially by OpenSRS (TwoCows) ;)


    I have problem with this module.


    I configure Internetbs API and they approve me, when I manually try to post to api page everything is working ok but from server whois is not working.



    I disable firewall and try to connect, and every time when I try to test it it is not working, and there is error when I try to enable sandbox:

    "The API Key and Password combination appear to be invalid, or your Internetbs account may not be configured to allow API access."



    I'm sure that I have correct details because I copy and paste it and it is double checked, I'm using last version of this module any hint where can be problem ? From my opinion connection to API is not working.




    Do you have ask InternetBS to active in your accoiunt the "Test Mode"? :)



    This might actually be a problem with my API access. I have an API key and can connect within the module settings, but I think they did not activate it yet. Internetbs will have a look at my website for the legal stuff etc. and THEN come back to me. I am almost sure that this is the problem. :P

    Sorry for stealing your time! :)


    Btw. I used a .de domain with the latest module on a 3.5.0 Blesta (I need to apply some legal stuff when upgrading etc.).


    I just translated your module (I can send you a pull request when I am 100% satisfied with my translation) and came across the DNS manager part, hehe... :)





    Did it worked? :)

  7. did that lol, all fields are filled in with required information. when i click add account all fields go blank and nothing is saved.


    Maybe its better to you, to contact sypport center of OpenSRS :)


    @ all Blestars: We have recived an live OpenSRS account on Monday with a credit to test the Registration/Get Whois/Edit Whois/Transfer KEY/Lock Domain/Unlock Domain functions :)


    In the Sandbox all tests work at 100%, now in Live, only now we can test it :) I will try to test on Tusday and report here the resullts and all outher fixes to make the first "OpenSRS Release Candidate" module release :blesta:

  8. Hi,

    I wonder about the status of "Blesta Domain Manager". Any news on this? Or further information? :)




    //Edit: Well, I cannot complete an order. After entering any nameserver addresses it redirects me to the order forms start page.

    I then have the "old" order in cart + a new one. I can give you access for debugging. :)



    For now no news on the new Domain Manager (hope they will bring us a suprise :P) :blesta:


    For the problem reported, very strange dosent happen on my tests.


    a) are you using any custom order page beside any original from blesta?

    B) what TLD are you using for testing?

    c) are you using my latest internetbs module?

    d) are you using the latest blesta 3.5.1 ?


    thanks in advance ;)

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