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Separate Downloads Area For Each Client


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Is it possible to give each client access to their own "Downloads" after they log in? I want to add separate PDF reports for each client, but not have my other clients see reports that aren't theirs. This would be a major feature for me.


Is this already a feature? Is it possible? What should I do?




****I love Blesta!****


Thank you, 




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Is it possible to give each client access to their own "Downloads" after they log in? I want to add separate PDF reports for each client, but not have my other clients see reports that aren't theirs. This would be a major feature for me.


Is this already a feature? Is it possible? What should I do?




****I love Blesta!****


Thank you, 




Download the Documents plugin :) (It should be in the latest Blesta downloads)


If you don't have it in 3.2.2 You can get it from here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1930-client-documents-plugin/

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As LicenseCart already mentioned, a plugin already exists that will handle this for you.


In Blesta, head over to [settings] -> [Company] -> [Plugins] -> [Available], and enable the "Client Documents" plugin.

Then head over to a client's profile page. Under the "Actions" section in the left sidebar, click to "Show All Actions", and finally the "Documents" link, where you can upload a file for them.

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