
New Standards for Developers

November 4, 2008 | Posted by Cody

In an effort to increase future compatability with both browsers and PHP environments we’ve introduced two new standards in the Blesta 2.0 release.

Out with the old, in with the new. PHP short tags are out – That means all PHP code must be enclosed in <?php … ?> rather than <? … ?> XHTML Strict is in – All templates (.pdt files) must conform to the XHTML Strict standard (see for more informationon on XHTML). What does this mean for me? When submitting templates, modules, gateways, or add-ons be sure to follow the above convention to ensure your contributions will be accepted into a future release of Blesta. If you don’t plan to contribute or distribute your work then of course you need not abide by these standards. Another addition to template creation is the introduction of template versioning. Each template directory will now contain a text file containing the version number (of Blesta) that the associated template files are compatible with. This will allow developers to ensure compatibility with specific versions of Blesta. The backend will still allow older templates to be selected in the Admin area, but will mark each outdated template with “(incompatible)”.