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Everything posted by Paul

  1. We are looking into this, but any solution is unlikely to be in 3.0.4 as that will probably be out today. We will release any updates to the module on the forums as soon as we have something to test.
  2. Paul


    Because the import utility is a plugin and ran under Company Settings, you can import data into multiple companies. So, you could theoretically dump your live database and import into 2 new temporary databases.. then edit each of these to remove clients you don't want in one or the other. Then, you can import from each of these databases from the proper company in v3.
  3. I don't see anything either. I wonder if this is a bug with Ioncube for Cloudlinux. You might want to submit your findings to Ioncube and see what they say. You might also be able to ask them for an older version of the loader, I can't find anything either.
  4. Ah, in that case no, there's no built in support for that.. but it's something that could certainly be done as an extension.
  5. 3.0.4 will be released today or tomorrow
  6. Paul

    The Game

    That doesn't stop you from watching the Angels play.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if it's an ioncube issue.. make sure you have the latest loaders (And if you do have the latest and it's still an issue, maybe see if you can get a slightly older loader).
  8. That is the proper solution. This can also be accomplished by going to Settings > System Settings > Staff > Staff Groups, and editing your staff group and simply saving it.. this also clears the cached navigation links. The only other thing you'll likely have to do, is re-issue your license in the client area.
  9. It looks like there may be 2 usernames that are the same. Since usernames must be unique, you're bumping into this error. Cody can probably provide more information about how to fix such a case, but if you're able to find and correct any duplicate usernames in v2.5 prior to doing an import (And make sure that no users were added in v3 that also exist in 2.5) you may be able to get around this issue.
  10. You got it! Having restricted packages be set on a per client group basis might be a good feature request.
  11. It is a neat feature, though it annoys me in some cases. I wonder if this would be a good feature request for a poll.
  12. Blesta 2.5 doesn't have recurring invoices, so no recurring invoices could be imported into v3. Or do you mean services? Every time you attempt to do an import, you should be doing it on a fresh install (ie no clients, services, packages, etc). If you need to, do a fresh install of v3 in the same location you have it, and then make a backup of the database so that you can just restore it if you have to run the import again. If your next import doesn't get everything after a fresh install you can do some debugging.. Then, let us know what, if any errors are displayed. Also, make sure you're following the steps listed here http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Migrating+to+Blesta to migrate from 2.5 to 3.0.
  13. The import is very complete, it just doesn't import ticket attachments. You could copy those over if needed, but most people don't. The AES key is not actually stored in Blesta v3 anywhere, the key is needed so that the CC details, and possibly other encrypted values can be decrypted. They are then re-encrypted and stored in v3 using a different cipher and a different key.
  14. You can change the standard number of items that appear per page in the config/blesta.php config file.. Configure::set("Blesta.results_per_page", 20); This applies to everything that is paginated though. We have plans to add a filter option at the top of most of these kinds of listings. It will be very useful for tickets, and could be useful here for packages as well, and allow you to change the default items per page, and save it for your staff member. We'll have to discuss. The problem here is that a single package could be a member of many groups, or it could be a member of no groups. If viewing Groups, you can click the group name to show all member packages within that group. Does this allow you to find the appropriate package that may have a similar name?
  15. What are the default settings, and what did you change them to? Interesting that it tossed an internal server error, and not something more descriptive.
  16. Just to add to that, I would rename the directory used for 2.5, and then recreate it for 3.0. You don't want to have 3.0 files in the same place as 2.5 files.
  17. Paul

    The Game

    lol, curling. I do find curling entertaining,.. it might be the only thing I watched during the last olympics. SWEEP FASTER!
  18. Paul

    The Game

    I've been to a couple Duck games at the Honda Center (I still prefer to call it The Pond). Hockey is pretty entertaining to watch.
  19. Attached are the 2 files committed after plesk_customer_accounts.php. - plesk.php (~93KB) goes in /components/modules/plesk/plesk.php - plesk.php (~8KB) goes in /components/modules/plesk/language/en_us/plesk.php Be sure you put the right plesk.php in the right place. plesk.php plesk.php
  20. I think what Tyson did here he did after posting the hotfix above. If I'm right, the issue you experienced with changing the renewal date is already corrected it's just not in the file you downloaded. Tyson, can you confirm? I can post a new file for testing if that's the case.
  21. Can you let us know the Plesk version? Tyson is investigating this right now.
  22. Just a quick announcement to any Blesta customers who also have WHMCS installs. You should take them down immediately until a patch is released. Please see http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1309491 I'm not going to post a link to the POC, however you should know that it is a CRITICAL vulnerability.
  23. Your suspend error may be the result of the username not existing, make sure the username is set in the local edit.
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