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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul


    Well, I think we need to do something about that!
  2. Can you provide steps to reproduce, including the regex you used, etc?
  3. Paul


    How could you be the only guy in Sweden? There's got to be millions more, right?
  4. Which plugins and modules are you waiting for? Documentation is a bit behind, and we're working on it. I expect you'll see a lot more in the coming weeks. New order forms are something we're planning to include in most releases going forward. We are working on moving towards bootstrap for the client area and order forms, which will make adding new types of order forms much easier.. so that needs to come first. Is recaptcha or Areyouhuman an issue for anyone else?
  5. Are you sure there are no hidden files or directories in there anyplace? Files that start with a "."? Typically "." refers to the current directory, and if that's the issue I would expect this to occur under Available Plugins, and Available Modules as well (does this happen there?). You can try editing components/gateways/gateways.php and adding this on line 40.. echo COMPONENTDIR . "gateways" . DS . $type . DS. $gw_file . DS . $gw_file . ".php<br>"; if (!Loader::load(COMPONENTDIR . "gateways" . DS . $type . DS. $gw_file . DS . $gw_file . ".php")) throw new Exception("Gateway '" . $gw_name . "' does not exist"); Then reload, and post what was output
  6. You have those because they shipped with the beta and you upgraded. They are sample gateways, meant really for developers. Do you have the PHPIDS plugin installed by any chance? (If not, don't install it, if so, try uninstalling it)
  7. We've got to start someplace. All these others will be coming, prior to a 4.0. This is a bit of a tangent, but related to time based billing. If manually creating an invoice, you can enter the hourly rate in the amount box, and enter a fractional or decimal quantity. For example, if you charge $95/hr and are billing an item for 3hrs and 50 minutes, you can enter 95 for the amount, and 3 50/60 for the quantity and it will do the math for you.
  8. That's not really necessary, though it might make things clearer for those wondering if it's supported.
  9. Thanks for the reminder, I've made a note.. we should get those added back in!
  10. Were there any other details, like a stack trace? EDIT: Also, can you list all the files that are in your components/gateways/ and components/gateways/merchant/ and components/gateways/nonmerchant/ directories?
  11. It is supported now. See http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Logging+In scroll down for the section on Yubikey. Make sure you have another full rights admin account you can login and remove the TOTP settings in case things go sideways, but I did test this with our Yubikey and it was working just fine.
  12. Thanks, it's intentional. I've seen some people complain that Blesta looks "too slim", but we did that on purpose. While we will be adding in additional support for a lot of things, or goal is to keep everything simple. The fact is that the multi-level, super long nav that our competitors have contains things most people never need. The way we implemented the plugin system, and designed things overall, reduces the number of links to those actually necessary and settings and things that aren't needed on a frequent basis are hidden away. The problem for us I think, is that people are use to the clutter, but I'm hopeful that once they spend enough time in Blesta they will come to appreciate the way we handled the UI.
  13. What OS, Browser, and version?
  14. Ok, I see a task, CORE-439, to correct invoice padding.
  15. OpenSRS is planned immediately following an Enom module, which is more highly requested. We met with some of the OpenSRS guys at HostingCon in Austin, and have everything we need to start development.
  16. What version of Plesk is your Plesk server running? This appears to be an error returned directly from Plesk.
  17. Under Tools > Module log, look for an entry for Plesk. Copy & Paste that here (Feel free to redact *** any sensitive details)
  18. Can you provide a screenshot or steps to duplicate?
  19. It's certainly possible, but we have not implemented anything yet.
  20. After making a change to padding and padding character, did you create a new invoice?
  21. If you are using suPHP then it would be writable so long as owner is writable. In app/controller/install.php I wonder what would happen if you bypass the key generation. Would you mind giving this a try? Comment out lines 270 and 271 and statically set $system_key to something. // Generate a sufficiently large random value // Loader::load(VENDORDIR . "phpseclib" . DS . "Crypt" . DS . "Random.php"); // $system_key = md5(crypt_random() . uniqid(php_uname('n'), true)) . md5(uniqid(php_uname('n'), true) . crypt_random()); $system_key = "somethingrandomtotestwith"; Then run the installer, does it populate config/blesta.php's database details?
  22. Paul

    Piping Emails.

    Thanks for confirming. I've updated the manual to display both methods http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager
  23. I believe we talked about this early on in development, and architected the login system to be able to support this later without too much trouble.
  24. Paul

    Piping Emails.

    You can, just change the path to pipe.php to index.php, make sure to keep all the other parameters. Yes, so long as the server handles mail for the primary domain.
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