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Posts posted by Doctrine

  1. Blesta 4.1.2

    Bug: The User is start the signup, then he fill the surname,lastname,email,postcode,password etc.

    If you not fill the lastname (so lastname is empty) for example but its requried for Blesta, and then you click to "Create Account" button, then you will receive an error: The Last Name is Requried, but the user is created in the database, but you cannot see in admin area, just in phpmyadmin. If the user fill the last name, and then click again to "Create Account" button, then the user will receive "This Email Address is already in use" (as in the database the user is already created, but cant see it in the admin area)

    The BUG should be related to Required Contact Fields. If i disable then everything is working!

    Is it fixed in Blesta 4.2? Or is that any related bug, or similar to my issue?



  2. 1 hour ago, Paul said:

    It's not a bug, and not something we intend to change. If the email address provided cannot receive email, they will never receive their order information or any other correspondence. This helps a lot of people who misspell their own domain during checkout.

    However, if you'd like to disable the DNS check, you can do so by editing ~/vendors/minphp/input/src/Input.php. Look for this:

         * Checks if the given string is a valid email address
         * @param string $str The string to test
         * @param boolean $check_record True to check DNS/MX record
         * @retrun boolean True if the email is valid, false otherwise
        public static function isEmail($str, $check_record = true)
            $check = array();
            // Verify that the address is formatted correctly
            if (isset($str) && preg_match(
            )) {
                // Verify that the domain is valid
                if ($check_record) {
                    // Append "." to the host name to prevent DNS server from creating the record
                    $host = substr(strstr($check[0], '@'), 1) . ".";
                    $mxhosts = array();
                    if (function_exists("getmxrr") && !getmxrr($host, $mxhosts)) {
                        // This will catch DNSs that are not MX
                        if (function_exists("checkdnsrr") && !checkdnsrr($host, "ANY")) {
                            return false;
                return true;
            return false;

    And change to

         * Checks if the given string is a valid email address
         * @param string $str The string to test
         * @param boolean $check_record True to check DNS/MX record
         * @retrun boolean True if the email is valid, false otherwise
        public static function isEmail($str, $check_record = true)
            $check = array();
            // Verify that the address is formatted correctly
            if (isset($str) && preg_match(
            )) {
                // Verify that the domain is valid
                /* do not check dns
                if ($check_record) {
                    // Append "." to the host name to prevent DNS server from creating the record
                    $host = substr(strstr($check[0], '@'), 1) . ".";
                    $mxhosts = array();
                    if (function_exists("getmxrr") && !getmxrr($host, $mxhosts)) {
                        // This will catch DNSs that are not MX
                        if (function_exists("checkdnsrr") && !checkdnsrr($host, "ANY")) {
                            return false;
                return true;
            return false;

    It's possible this is different in your version of Blesta, so it's better if you apply the change rather than copy/paste.



    Thank You! :)


  3. 11 hours ago, Paul said:

    Check your /etc/resolv.conf file, there should be DNS caching servers listed here that work. Google public DNS would look like:

    If your server can't do name resolution, you will have many issues, failed email validations are just one of them.


    And there is no way to turn this off? Why Blesta need to check the email address if its valid or not. I dont need this feature.  here is no problem with the server. 

    The main Bug is, if you got an invalid email address message, then the user created in the database, but cannot view in the admin area, then if client try to reregister again blesta says: invalid email as the email already exist in the database. Thats a big problem for me..

    If i want to register with this email example: hwwrwjrw@fakedomain.com , blesta needs to accept it, because cause many problem for us. And what can i say for the client? Sorry this is a fake email. And what client should answer? Who care? I just want to register and order but your system not accept it.

    This is a great feature to prevent SPAM, but with this BUG i dont think it... If you need i could give you a teamviewer access and you could check the bug.

    So is there any solution for this?



  4. On 2018. 03. 14. at 7:28 PM, Tyson said:

    If you haven't resolved this issue yet, you may want to contact DirectAdmin support for help. The module POSTs a suspension via the API command CMD_API_SELECT_USERS, with a location set to CMD_SELECT_USERS. Normally, this would suspend the user in DirectAdmin and respond back to Blesta that there was no error performing this action, however, the DirectAdmin API returned an invalid HTML response that is not expected for that end point, which leads me to believe that the DirectAdmin API or or its configuration has gone awry.

    User creation is working without any problem. Strange thing

  5. 9 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

    9000USD, my car cost me arround 700USD , but my car will not return me money and from time to time i spend money to repair something !!!!!

    What is your budget?

    I sent a PM for you many times, a year ago or earlier and you said will be done once. Well i am going to pay, just somebody code it for me. Budget should start from 300USD, then if i see the module is getting more features i should pay more and more. Just i need a module for my clients to manage everything from one place.

    But seems my offer was never valid for you, because the module development never started.


    15 hours ago, timnboys said:

    that is what I was told by blesta for a dcim module like hostbill 50k like I or anyone else for that matter have that money lol so I decided instead to make it myself.

    though I haven't and don't use directadmin so I am not aware of it's problems though if you are willing to "sponsor" the panel and required licenses,etc to make a better module I could possibly easily do so for you as the usually the way I usually do module development like this is the person wanting the module basically provides all required "stuff"(like the panel there wanting the module made for,etc) and once the module is done the person who "sponsored" the development of the module gets a owned license free for the module and it is then put up for sale on cubedata's site at normal pricing.

    though since this is PauloV's thread pm me since I don't want to detract from his thread though.

    I sent you a PM, please check :)

  6. 7 hours ago, Paul said:

    Blesta ships with a Directadmin module. Are you looking for one with more features?

    Yes which is sometimes working sometimes not, many output from the module is html, and not working then , and i cannot figure out why. But yes i need more feature.

    7 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

    ask blesta team to sponsor the extra features . they love such thing .

    This could take years, and time is money.

    I just want this module to blesta: But modulesgarden said this should be around 9000 USD to Blesta. Well thats a lot money for me..i bought my car for 9000usd.. :)


  7. Hello

    Got this error:

    An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request.

    Latest directadmin, latest Blesta, packages created without any problem, i could check the user package, server IP. But i cannot suspend users for example. Seems everything is configured correctly.




    Here is the output from the module:



    ________<meta_http-equiv";s:1094:""Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8;"/>
            <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
            <title>DirectAdmin Login</title>
            <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.png" type="image/x-icon" />

            <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
                var tokens = {
                    LOST_PASSWORD: "no" === "yes",
                    TIME: {
                        current: 1520711641 * 1000,
                        offset: 172800 * 1000,
            <!-- Vue root -->
            <div id="login"></div>
            <div id="foot" style="display:none;">
                <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=default-3.4"></script>            
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/vendors.js?ver=|SKIN_VERSION|"></script>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/login.js?ver=|SKIN_VERSION|"></script>



    Any suggestion? I use the default Directadmin Theme...

    Got this issue on multiple server.. on multiple company.

  8. 2 hours ago, Jono said:

    Just want to make sure I understand your setup.

    You have two different servers (not just two name servers).  Both of these servers are assigned to a server group with the setting 'First Non-full Server'.  This server group is assigned to the package you are using.

    The server one has reached it's 'account limit' that is set in Blesta, so when you create a service it should be assigned to server two.  The account is created on server two, but the service fields in blesta are referencing the ip for server one.  So if you click the login link in blesta it tries to log you in to the wrong server.  Is that all correct?

    Correct but not at all. The service field is show the server 2, but the module create account with the server 1 server IP in the DNS. Because related to a bug.(Or maybe i have to upgrade my Blesta and the module too.. :) module not choose the right IP..) So the package group is: My group name, with two server. One is full but seems the module not choose the right address.


    Are you familiar with selecting service information? I'll assume so and let you work out that part.


    To narrow it down to a specific company, you will want to join with client groups, i.e.

    SELECT `client_groups`.`company_id`, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.country
    FROM contacts
    INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.`id` = `contacts`.`client_id`
    INNER JOIN `client_groups` ON `client_groups`.`id` = `clients`.`client_group_id`
    ORDER BY `client_groups`.`company_id` ASC, contacts.country ASC;

    Great! Thank you! Could we list the service names too which the client has?




  10. Hello,


    I need help about the custom reports. Its not so easy to do it because i have multi company


    client first name, client last name, client email, client country, client service names, client addon company (i got 1 addon company and dont know how to...)


    I am in a different situation as i got Hungarian clients and international clients. So one company - one company. I have to seperate it very well.


    Please somebody give me a code for that


    For now i only got this:

    SELECT contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.country
    FROM contacts
    ORDER BY contacts.country;

    I need client service name and order by company ID


    The 4.0 still have 2 public sprints and a few private tasks I dowt they would get that all done in less than 25 days (plus weekends they are closed), the mass mailer only works on 4.0 as it needs changes to the core so that answers your next question.

    Why not do it the way people do it now? Use the report feature (Billing > Reports > Custom reports) and then use that XML for Mailchimp etc.

    SELECT contacts.client_id, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.email, contacts.address1, contacts.city, contacts.zip, contacts.country
    FROM contacts
    ORDER BY contacts.client_id;


    Well for me a lots of work to update to 4.0 from 3.5 as the Hungarian side a bit complicated.



    This custom report working but you know i got multi-company and only want to send mail to one of my company. Any solution for that :)?


    Thank you!

  12. Hello,


    I have to send now a very important email to my clients as i use multi company not so easy export emails from phpmyadmin. (impossible now) Is there any chance to be there this month the 4.0 Beta?


    I really interested about the mass mail plugin.


    Or there any chance to get this plugin earlier? I have to send the emails this month.




  13. The solution to this issue is to have the currency precision set to 0 for that currency. Since you set the precision to 0 after the invoice was created, you will also have to edit the invoice and re-save it before it will observe the new currency precision. Then the customer can make a payment via PayPal.


    I changed the precision 1 to 0. We shall see will it work or not.

  14. when you set the precision , the invoice are generated or you used the last one ?


    Invoice generated automatically. So the client order and try to pay but HUF not support ,89 just only 2687. Is there any solution or have to turn off the PRO-RATA

  15. Hello,


    I discovered a bug. Only exist at the HUF currency. Tested with EUR,GBP and others are working.


    The client order the package which is 2500HUF. Well with pro-rata he will pay example: 2687,89.


    HUF not support ,89 only 2687.


    -->I edited the Precision to 0 but still the same.


    Paypal not support 2687,89 HUF type , just only 2687


    Give me a solution please or is this a bug?



    So the client cant pay the invoice by paypal as paypal only support 2687HUF not 2687,89HUF




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