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Posts posted by limitstudios

  1. @pcfacility try this


    a:1:{s:3:"sub";a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:38:"plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/";s:4:"name";s:7:"Tickets";}i:1;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:37:"plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/";s:4:"name";s:14:"Knowledge Base";}}}


    a:1:{s:3:"sub";a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:38:"plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/";s:4:"name";s:7:"Tickets";}i:1;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:37:"plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/";s:4:"name";s:21:"Base de connaissances";}}} 


  2. I have been profiling this and each time the graphs are not rendered this error is displayed in the web browser console, may help to debug this, the script which errors looks to be nvd3 related, so guessing a timing issue when the scripts are loaded into the browser

    TypeError: ja.watchTransition is not a function


  3. My scripts are currently .NET but I would be more than happy to work with anyone that would like to get a PHP implementation started, wouldn't be that difficult using CURL and passing the correct variables, etc...

    Also re-reading the Xero docs as Blesta isn't a hosted solution the integration would need to be a "Private Application" type and pass the generated certificate in the authenticator request when accessing each Xero API

  4. I have integrated Xero on our internal system (non blesta) and the flow is normally like this:

    1. Choose your API application type (private, public, partner). The partner application type is normally best to use for integration as you can swap expired OAUTH tokens for new ones; public does not allow this so access is limited to 30 minutes then you have to re-auth
    2. When creating an invoice (you can pass the Blesta Invoice Number into Xero to keep the Invoice Number's in sycn), first check if client email exists as a contact on Xero, if it does not create a new contact in Xero and store the Xero Contact GUID, else get the Xero Contact GUID if exists
    3. Pass the stored Xero Contact GUID when creating the invoice and store the Xero Invoice GUID
    4. When recording a transaction you will need to create an Xero Payment record and Xero Invoice GUID, the Xero Account ID (the bank account ID or the account code) and the payment date and amount

    Calls are GET, PUT, POST when connecting to the Xero XPI

    If you have any questions just get in touch via private message or here

  5. Hi all,


    I have a web development client that has their own in-house billing system for web-hosting but it has now become too much for them to support and maintain. I am planning to recommend Blesta to them and they ideally want to migrate as much data as possible from their current system into Blesta.


    I was wondering if there is any documentation on the Blesta database structure that I can look at in order to see what data we can map into Blesta so I can provide what we can/cannot migrate into the Blesta database.


  6. Hi Paul, is there anything outstanding on the CORE-60 request or is there other things higher priority at the moment? I'll submit a feature request with OnApp to see what they say about developing a module for Blesta. If they will not develop one we have a test OnApp environment so we may look into developing it ourselves depending on their response, will have to get reading teh Blesta Modules development guide.

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