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[Plugin] Support Manager Pro - Tickets Delete, Merge, Spam, Multiple Tickets.


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1) - If you STILL see a two (2) Support Ticket widgets on the client dashboard you probably have the "User Manager Add-Ons" plugin installed and need to "disable" it.


2) - If you want to dynamically connect your Admin Dashboard to read and display and URL link the ticket counter for the "Support Manager PRO" plugin...

-  You will need to open plugins/system_overview/controllers/admin_main.php

-  Change...

                    $value = $this->SupportManagerTickets->getListCount('open');
                    $url = $this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/';
                    $icon = 'fa-ticket';

- To...


//The 3 lines of codes below allows the admin to see how many tickets are open and also gives a link to the Admin ticket page.
                    $value = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getListCount('open')
                    $url = $this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_managerpro/admin_tickets/';
                    $icon = 'fa-ticket';



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12 hours ago, turner2f said:


1) - If you STILL see a two (2) Support Ticket widgets on the client dashboard you probably have the "User Manager Add-Ons" plugin installed and need to "disable" it.


2) - If you want to dynamically connect your Admin Dashboard to read and display and URL link the ticket counter for the "Support Manager PRO" plugin...

-  You will need to open plugins/system_overview/controllers/admin_main.php

-  Change...

                    $value = $this->SupportManagerTickets->getListCount('open');
                    $url = $this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_manager/admin_tickets/';
                    $icon = 'fa-ticket';

- To...


//The 3 lines of codes below allows the admin to see how many tickets are open and also gives a link to the Admin ticket page.
                    $value = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getListCount('open')
                    $url = $this->base_uri . 'plugin/support_managerpro/admin_tickets/';
                    $icon = 'fa-ticket';

Also make sure the line above shows isInstalled('support_managerpro' also you  may wish to make value 'open' + ''awaiting_reply' + 'in_progress' as supportmanagerpro has more status than default support manager which is just open/closed. 



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12 hours ago, Nextop Host said:


From admin panel, I can't see any report state change option like in progress, closed etc.

And in client side how to add in progress, replied option with counter? @gosuhost

			$this->client_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_client_id");
			$open = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("open", null, $this->client_id);
			$in_progress = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("in_progress", null, $this->client_id);
			$await_reply = $this->SupportManagerproTickets->getStatusCount("awaiting_reply", null, $this->client_id);

			$response = $open + $in_progress + $await_reply;  

render this as AJax  to your div on client side. I think this is what your after and im not understanding what you mean from admin panel, he was adding a counter to the system overview widget. the post above yours shows how to accomplish this 

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17 hours ago, gosuhost said:

try to clear your cache and also check your /cache/ folder and delete folder 1 if its in there. 

Thanks bro!

How to change a ticket state like from open to in progress/spam from admin panel?


Would you mind to help me make counter on client portal? I've uploaded client_data plugin but can't figure out the working process.


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The plugin still has problems when creating a ticket from the administration area. The ticket disappears and only the client assigned to the ticket can see it.
Another error in the customer response process if the staff assigned to the ticket changes the assigned department The ticket disappears.


If someone has the plugin running 100% please upload the link

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello :)

4 hours ago, PointPubMedia said:

With any new feature or just "compliant" with Blesta 4 ?

I will make from scratch the new update and i like to add two important features

1- Import from Support Manager

2- Revert to Support Manager

Maybe I will add more option :)


34 minutes ago, WebhostingNZ.com said:

Any chance you'd be able to add in an option for all brands to show in the one support desk?  It's not to hard to do in the coding PM me if you like I have it hacked in for my personal copy.

Sure, if you could send me the modifications I can add on this update :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all :)

Just one more week to release the update to Support Manager Pro :)

After the update I will add the option to be able to migrate to "Support Manager", and also an option to migrate from "Support Manager" to "Support Manager Pro" so in the future for blesta clients be able to continue using the oficial Plugin witout loosing most of the data (maybe only loosing custum fields and service id relation).

Stay tune :P

eheh :blesta:


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2 minutes ago, PointPubMedia said:

Is it only me... or in supportpro, the automatic email sent to the staff is not working...

Our clients receiving the auto-reply fine... but no emails are sent to staff about a new ticket/reply....


Hello :)

What version of blesta are you using? Can you check your exim logs?


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