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Grab the number of open tickets / Tutorial on how to make a plugin.


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@Naja7Host helped show me how to get this working and this is what he did to achieve it:

Folder structure:

- plugins
---  count_tickets
--------- count_tickets_controller.php
------- controllers
----------- client_main.php
------- models
----------- client_tickets_model.php
----------- count_tickets_model.php

If you just want to download the files and not do it manually you can grab them from: https://licensecart.com/public/count_tickets.zip

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Next make the files:


 * News plugin handler
class CountTicketsController extends AppController 
	public function preAction() {

		// Override default view directory
		$this->view->view = "default";
		$this->orig_structure_view = $this->structure->view;
		$this->structure->view = "default";


class CLientMain extends CountTicketsController

	 * Pre-action save and upload
	public function preAction()
		$this->client_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_client_id");

	 * Portal Newe index
	public function index()
		if ($this->isAjax()) {
			$response = $this->SupportManagerTickets->getStatusCount("open", null, $this->client_id);

			// JSON encode the AJAX response
			return false;

		return false;


class CountTicketsModel extends AppModel {
	 * Constructor
	public function __construct() {
		// You Can Load Language here
	 * Retrieves ticket count
	 * @return string 
	public function getCountTickets(
	) {		
		$ticket_numbers = $this->Record->select()->
			where('client_id', "=", $client_ticket_id)->
			where('status', "=", $status_opened)->
      	return count($ticket_numbers);


class CountTicketsModel extends AppModel {
	 * Constructor
	public function __construct() {
		// You Can Load Language here
	 * Retrieves ticket count
	 * @return string 
	public function getCountTickets(
	) {		
		$ticket_numbers = $this->Record->select()->
			where('client_id', "=", $client_ticket_id)->
			where('status', "=", $status_opened)->
      	return count($ticket_numbers);


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Next on the /app/views/client/bootstrap/structure.pdt add this:

<div id="count_ticket">0</div>
			$(document).ready(function() {


			function fetchCountTickets() {
				$(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "plugin/count_tickets/client_main") . '", null, function(data) {
					if (data)


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14 minutes ago, naja7host said:

Maybe we will make a plugin that return some usefull info for the client like

Tickets open closed

Services active suspend

Invoices closed open

Pending orders


That would be awesome mate :P so you can expand by seeing how you did what for each one and then hopefully more can expand as needed?

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  • 2 months later...

@Licensecart and @Blesta Addons

I uploaded the files for "Count tickets"   to   /plugins/count_tickets

And then went to   /admin/settings/company/plugins/available/

I did not see anything.

I even deleted the "model" directory folder.



Why am I not able to see the plugin to activate it ?


Is it automatically activated when uploaded ?


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7 hours ago, turner2f said:

@Licensecart and @Blesta Addons

I uploaded the files for "Count tickets"   to   /plugins/count_tickets

And then went to   /admin/settings/company/plugins/available/

I did not see anything.

I even deleted the "model" directory folder.



Why am I not able to see the plugin to activate it ?


Is it automatically activated when uploaded ?


Ignore this thread go to the contribute thread with the proper script / plugin by Naja7Host.

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