
Go Go Gadget Cart Racing

September 8, 2009 | Posted by Paul

We’ve been cooped up inside, cranking away on code.. so we thought Labor Day weekend might be a good time to get out and do something that didn’t involve a keyboard. We went cart racing at K1 in Anaheim on Saturday and it was good times all around. K1 Speed does indoor electric cart racing and the carts are pretty fast, fast enough to get into trouble around some of the bends. Here’s Cody, while we’re all waiting to race, sporting his iconic and all around incredibly awesome Blesta t-shirt.

1.jpg Here’s Cody and Tyson, both Blesta developers. You know those video tutorials? Tyson made them.

2.jpg And here are our scores after our second race. As you can see, Tyson beat me by 1/5th of a second! I’ll have to get him back next time…

