
minPHP Framework Released

September 10, 2010 | Posted by Paul

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minPHP is an extremely lightweight, object oriented MVC PHP framework brought to you by the same people who developed Blesta. minPHP is free, open source software released under the MIT license.

Download it at

One of the most awesome things about minPHP, aside from the fact that it’s awesome in itself, is that it’s being used as the framework for Blesta 3.0. Blesta 3.0 is in active development, with a release expected in the early part of next year.

We’re excited to be able to offer something to the open source community, and if you’re a developer we hope you give minPHP a try. As an added benefit, if you’re familiar with minPHP you’ll be a Blesta 3.0 development rockstar right out of the box.

Ooh, my spider-sense is tingling.