
Blesta 3.4 Beta Released

December 12, 2014 | Posted by Paul

We are excited to announce that 3.4.0 BETA 1 has been released! If you purchased Blesta direct, you may download from the client area now (Login Required). During installation, choose to start a free trial unless you have a dev license you can use. Then, head over to our 3.4 beta forums to report any bugs and let us know what you think.

We don’t recommend using beta releases in production.

Knowledge Base

So what is new in 3.4?

Blesta 3.4 has the following new features:

  • Knowledge Base (Included with the Support Manager Plugin)
  • Contact Logins with Permissions
  • Client & Contact Two-Factor Authentication
  • Package Groups can have descriptions
  • Support Staff receive an email when a ticket is assigned to them
  • Tax ID field can be hidden for specific Client Groups
  • Staff can edit recurring coupons
  • Plugins can be disabled without uninstalling them

We also added a new security feature for Staff Groups that log out Staff if their IP address changes, preventing a possible attacker from using a stolen cookie. This is the default option for new installations, but must be enabled for existing Staff groups if upgrading. Thanks to Rack911 for the suggestion.

There’s a lot more in this release, see the release notes for details.

When is the final release?

Version 3.4 will be officially released after the beta phase is completed. Generally the beta for a minor release lasts around 2-3 weeks, but it can vary. An official release is only made once we deem it to be stable.

What are you waiting for? Download the beta and let us know what you think!