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haribohosting's Achievements

  1. yeah sorry to fill the blesta forum it wasnt untill today i seen the error was interworx, However there both pritty complex to setup, Licencecart do you have any other platform in mind that is good apart from openvz its worked for a while but can be slow and problimatic. Thanks to all who posted for help
  2. the hostname on my server is my domain, and yes i do have a shared ip and it is availible to reseller, Solved the problem was because OPENVZ on my mail server was sending a ip from my one of my slave servers to that vps for some reason, So fixed. Thanks guys
  3. input code: haribohosting.co.uk|createAccount a:6:{s:6:"domain";s:9:"ddd.co.uk";s:5:"email";s:15:"danny@idnet.com";s:8:"username";s:7:"dddcouk";s:8:"password";s:3:"***";s:4:"plan";s:1:"4";s:8:"reseller";i:0;} output code: haribohosting.co.uk|createAccount O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:6:"status";s:5:"error";s:8:"response";s:1104:"reported_error There was a problem validating the form. Please see details below. master_domain_ipv4: This input is required Usage: reseller master_domain master_domain_ipv6 0 database_server localhost uniqname nickname email encrypted "y" if the password is ALREADY encrypted, "n" if the password is not yet encrypted. Default: n password confirm_password language zh|cs|nl|en-us|fr|de|hu|it|pl|pt|sk|es|sv|tr theme blue_steel|calliope|coolfreshness|heliotrope|interstate|interworx|vanillaice menu_style big|small billing_day 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31 packagetemplate |brave create_package 1 new_package_name OPT_STORAGE Megabytes OPT_BANDWIDTH Gigabytes / Month OPT_EMAIL_ALIASES OPT_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDERS OPT_EMAIL_BOXES OPT_EMAIL_GROUPS OPT_FTP_ACCOUNTS OPT_MYSQL_DBS OPT_MYSQL_DB_USERS OPT_POINTER_DOMAINS OPT_SLAVE_DOMAINS OPT_SUBDOMAINS OPT_BACKUP 1|0 OPT_CGI_ACCESS 1|0 OPT_CRONTAB 1|0 OPT_DNS_RECORDS 1|0 OPT_RESOLVE_XFERLOG_DNS 1|0 OPT_SSL 1|0 OPT_BURSTABLE 1|0 OPT_SAVE_XFER_LOGS 1|0 restart_httpd 1|0 softaculous 1|0 ";s:3:"log";s:0:"";}
  4. nope still wont create the account and if try to manually create them i get this error An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request.
  5. iv set up all my blesta and now runs perfect, iv setup interworx installed the module and connected it ect and i no it works because when i create a package it retreves my interworx packages, how ever when i run the cron it doesnt create the hosting account this list this error. Attempting to provision paid pending services. The pending service #17 from client #1502 could not be made active. The pending service #18 from client #1502 could not be made active. The pending service #19 from client #1502 could not be made active. Does anyone now how to fix please.
  6. that worked perfect thanks for your help maybe i had connection issues when i uploaded thanks again
  7. re-uploading now so will keep the news updated.
  8. yes iv tryed all solution its once you complete the checkout and also once you try to pay it first apeared to be mail errors but they have been rectified
  9. Thank You Very Much :-)
  10. it seems that when order is hit that it will only take you to one order per time, like only the vps section with no access to hosting, and when on client panel it doesnt display a list for example services, how do i correct this.
  11. latest blesta availible of licencecart
  12. erm i bort it all from your website, if licencecart is yours, interworx from your webiste running on a centos VPS yum update & upgrade commands completed so highest verions availible.
  13. could any body help me with account creation with this error please. just after confirming purchase.
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