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Posts posted by WebhostingNZ.com

  1. 2 hours ago, agisthos said:

    I still have a legacy version of Blesta 2.5.4 because it runs a custom module (developed by Blesta/Philips Data).

    This module connects with an external API for account authentication, using https.

    Now that TLS 1.0 support is being dropped by most  web hosts, I'm not sure if this version of Blesta and my module will keep working.

    Is there anyway to know if my custom module communicates via the older TLS 1.0 protocol?

    I agree with @Blesta Addons you should update and have the custom module updated.  In saying that I would think that your module would be written to connect via http or https (not on a TLS protocol itself) and it would be down to how your server is setup as to what version TLS is used, more to the point their server since your connecting to them.  I would think as long as your system/server is up to date then it should be able to communicate on all newer TLS protocols.

  2. Hey,

    I currently have the below in my code.  A couple of times now a domain has failed to renew, this could be because the domain isn't registered, it's been moved to a different provider or many other reasons.  Blesta always seems to think the domain/service has been renewed is there a way to code so blesta will not mark it as renewed and move on?  I am aware of the CORE to add email for failed renew, but how do I code so it's even known to have failed?  The Dev Manual doesn't mention a return code on renewService() for a fail.   (I will be adding a mail() hack in for now so we at least know but would love a proper fix and to do it the right way).

    $this->log("Domain Renew","Domain: " . serialize($fields->domain) . "| Term: " . $term,"input",true);
    $response = $metaname->renew_domain_name($fields->domain, $term);
    $this->log("Domain Renew",serialize($response),"output",true);

    [EDIT] This should have been put in extensions forum sorry.


  3. Hey,

    As far as I am aware currently if a service fails to renew no email is sent out, however, there is two CORE's for this (both are exactly the same maybe close one)

    Since 4.3 is now out is there any movement on this for the next release?

    It would also be good if emails could be sent out in the event of a failed service activation.  For example, signing up for a cPanel account with a domain that is already on the server the account will not create it'll just sit in pending and will try to activate every 5 minutes.  Same can happen with a domain name.  I think although not service renewal as the CORE is listed as this could be a part of the same task?


  4. Depends how many customers you have, you could go into your WHMCS  install and make sure every customer has a last name, or you could edit the code of the import to add something eg a period in the last name if the value is "" or null.

  5. In the blesta install zip, there is a 'hotfix-php7' and 'hotfix-php71'.  If you read the README.md file it lets you know you must apply the patch if you want to use PHP7.  Snipet below from the readme file:

    ### Note for PHP 7.0 Users
    If you are running PHP 7.0, **you must** apply the hotfix from _/hotfix-php7/blesta/_
    to _/blesta/_ before uploading files to your web server.

    I think you can apply the patch after you have already uploaded them but I'm not too sure on that.

    @Paul would it not be better now by default to have the PHP7 patch installed and have the hotfix for PHP 5.x ?  I would think PHP7 is becoming more popular than 5

  6. Are you sure mod_rewrite is working, have you tested creating a quick rewrite rule just to test it?  Also, Tyson asked what version of PHP are you using?

    If you don't want to share details on here, could you PM me your .htaccess and a link to your install, might be able to help.

    What is the path to your index.php file?  is it domain.com/index.php or domain.com/blesta/index.php ?

  7. In your footer, the bottom of the page under information you have presales and complaints.   You are expecting complaints?  I would personally go with the standard support and sales.  Your biggest plan is 'Small Business' with 8GB space I would think that would fit a website for a large business.   Bottom of plans.html " if none of these plans fit your requirements for you' could be worded a bit better:

    'If none of these plans fit your requirements' or 'if you have requirements outside of these plans'.  There are many more options, but you refer to the customer twice in the sentence 'your' and 'you' make it read strange for me.

    Your TOS page is missing it's image that sits under the upper nav on plans, about and contact pages I think it doesn't flow as well as it could.

    Good luck :)

  8. Necro thread sorry.

    Had this same issue and found this thread so will post the fix here which I found by following the CORE-1232.

    As stated in CORE-1232 "Important to note that this issue does not happen if you specify all parameters to a method".  The fix simply to make sure you pass all parameters, for example.
    Does not work:
    $response = $api->post("encryption", "systemEncrypt", array('value' => "my text"));
    Does work:
    $response = $api->post("encryption", "systemEncrypt", array('value' => "my text", 'key' => "f059...[snip]...895f", 'iv' => "f059b0f...[snip]...80fa3895f"));

    For this example, you get your encryption key used in the second two prams from config/blesta.php and put it in which is what it should default to anyway.

    I suggest an update to the API documentation to cover that in some instances you have to pass all parameters.  On the below API doc, the first two examples should be updated as they don't currently work as they are (or don't for me):


  9. Hi Tyson,

    Sorry for the confusion.

    I run the install once, but it seems as soon as it finished it started to run again with no user interaction to cause this.  This caused the error regarding blesta-new.php as the blesta-new.php did not exisit on the second run of the install, as the first run changed it's name to blesta.php


  10. Update:

    When installing via command line (still to check web install) I get:

    1/1 [========================================] 100%

    Attempting to write config... Success.
    Generating encryption keys. This may take a minute or two... Done.
    Installing default plugins... Done.

    Finished. To complete setup visit /admin/login/ in your browser,

    or if you do not have mod_rewrite, /index.php/admin/login/.
    Blesta CLI Installer
    Please acknowledge your agreement to the terms and conditions as explained at


    Do you agree? (Y/N): y
    Performing system requirements check...
    The following minimum requirements failed:
            config_writable: The config file (/home/removed/public_html/config/blesta-new.php) and directory (/home/removed/public_html/config/) must be writable by the webserver.
    Failed minimum system requirements. You must correct these issues before continuing.
    [removed@grace public_html]$ ls -l /home/removed/public_html/config/
    total 28
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 9513 Dec  8 14:55 blesta.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed  723 Dec  8 14:46 database.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 4028 Dec  8 14:46 i18.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 2246 Dec  8 14:46 routes.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed   70 Dec  8 14:46 services.php
    [removed@grace public_html]$


    I have installed 3 times getting this error to make sure it was not user error, I checked the file existed before I run the above setup:

    [removed@grace public_html]$ cd config
    [removed@grace config]$ ls -l
    total 28
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 9475 Dec  8 14:46 blesta-new.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed  723 Dec  8 14:46 database.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 4028 Dec  8 14:46 i18.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed 2246 Dec  8 14:46 routes.php
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 removed removed   70 Dec  8 14:46 services.php
    [removed@grace config]$


    My best guess is it's trying to run the install again and the file is being renamed from blesta-new.php to blesta.php then later in the install it's looking again fro the blesta-new.php.

    I'm not even sure what it's trying to do as the install seemed to have finished, and as the log suggests I can log in with /admin/login

    Sorry for all the edits.

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