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Posts posted by fossxplorer

  1. I do own an unbranded Blesta license and i'm totally dependent on this feature to be added to Blesta and the Stripe gateway. I got the following from Stripe:

    We wanted to remind you about required changes to your Stripe integration. Upcoming industry-wide regulation will require Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) on many European payments starting 14 September. Unless you take action, payments that aren't authenticated may be declined by your customers' banks.
    Our information shows your business will be impacted by SCA, and that you still need to make changes to your Stripe integration to get ready for these new requirements. As this change may require additional software development, we strongly recommend that you start updating your integration as soon as possible.
    Visit the Dashboard to plan and start implementing the changes you'll need to make before 14 September.

    @Paul Can you please take a closer look at this issue so we don't loose customers and money? 

  2. What is the risk of using Bitpay and Bitcoin to receive payment?

    I noticed the BTC to USD can vary and if i receive BTC and hold it for some time before "taking it out" in the form of USD, can i risk loosing money?

  3. Yeah, guys so i followed your advice and created an account at Stripe without any issues! And today, i received my first payment through Stripe, not bad.

    Right now i'm very very happy since we've never been able to offer customers CC payments due to f*** Paypal filtering out many countries for using CC. We had quite some customers asking for payment with CC since many simply don't like using Paypal for different reasons.

    @paul, no we don't do any kind of darknet business :P  It's cloud storage hosting we are doing :)

    We are now even more happy using Blesta  really!  It seems much better than WHMCS on many fields, at least for our use case. Yes, i struggled quite some time to get started with POSTing from Universal module etc, but now things are falling into place.

    Btw, recently i came over http://www.hostingdiscussion.com/billing-accounting/41870-blesta-replacing-whmcs.html

    I really hope we prove those ppl's "Blesta will never be on par with WHMCS" thinking wrong.

    @Licensecart Is the domain manager coming with a new release? Any more info about it?




  4. Thanks for you replies all!

    I'm located in Norway, but clients paying from all around the world experience problem with Paypal's CC checkout. It only works from certain countries. I think that's what @Licensecart meant by location dependency?

    Stripe: thanks for the advise, i'll try to apply, IIRC, they denied me once some years ago. The reason was "we don't support this kind of business"  or something.


  5. I'm looking to support credit card/debit/visa as my current Paypal account won't do that. I tried to create a Paypal Payflow account, but it's asking for a processor i don't have.

    Is there any other simpler gateways i can use? I need one that's quick to get started and that doesn't take too much of fee of payments from customers.


    Any advise appreciated. Thanks!


  6. Hi, with WHMCS could create a product and add price in 1 currency, say USD and leave EUR fields empty and WHMCS did automatically populate the EUR prices based on exchange rate.

    In Blesta it seems one has to specify all the prices for different currencies and prices. Am i right?


  7. I added that code into getClientAddFields() and got: Undefined variable: fields.

    But now that i'm using universal module (cloned), i've been easily able to create custom fields.

    So my questions are:

    1. how do i access the custom fields in my code?

    2. How do i POST using some options like -d "username" -d "password"?

    3. The external system requires an additional header be sent with the POST request (-H "header: value" like:

    POST http://admin:secret@example.com/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users -d userid="username" -d password="fpassword"  -H "OCS-APIRequest: true"

    Is this also achievable with universal module?


    Also, the external system requires me to not only POST, but also GET and PUT, DELETE etc.

    To start with, i need both API calls of POST and PUT in order to provision users. Is this supported by the universal module (i've cloned this module and named it mymodule).


  8. Alright, my installation was indeed at a subdomain so the correct redirect is:

    rewrite ^/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php$ sub.domain.com/callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/

    It doesn't matter if it's inside subdomain or not, since the the rewrite line is inside the scope of the vhost, so the correct redirect is:

    rewrite ^/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php$ /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/

    Now testing with curl -L -I, i can see first a 302 Found with Location: sub.domain.com/index.php/, then i get 200 OK.

    Hopefully i got things right now to be able to receive payment notifications from Paypal into Blesta. Has been a big mess until now and i just hope no to loose customers due to my migration over.



  9. I followed the WHMCS import doc and did a rewrite according to


    Redirect 301 /modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/

    In Nginx this translates into:

    rewrite ^/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php$ /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/ last;

    But i get 404 - Not found when using it. I figured out /callback/gw/1/paypal_payments_standard/  doesn't exist on my installation.
    Buti could find components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/ so i wonder if the following is correct to use?

    rewrite ^/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php$ /components/gateways/nonmerchant/paypal_payments_standard/



  10. 3 hours ago, Adam said:

    I do not fully understand your question. Let me try and say it back to you:

    You created a custom module with Blesta in PHP. You would like during the order process for someone to enter a custom field called username (which is not the same and 100% different username of the person logged into Blesta) and you grab that input?

    Yep, you got it correct :)

    3 hours ago, Adam said:

    Have you looked at ModuleFields? https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/ModuleFields


    The other way to do this, is use the Universal Module, add a custom field to the order process. The Universal Module has a very useful option to make external ReST calls when an order is submitted. You would listen for this ReST call and then put all your business logic in that call.

    Blesta Admin -> Modules -> Managed Universal Module -> Edit Product Label (create a product label if you have not already)




    No, i didn't read docs related to ModuleFields. I will take a closer look at it, thanks!

    I've been "cloning" cPanel as well as Universal module. And i think, for a Blesta newbie like me, the Universal module looks simpler for me to start with. I've been able to create a custom text field for now. And yes, would be nice if i'm able to  POST to a URL, but my API call looks like the following:

    POST http://admin:secret@example.com/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users -d userid="username" -d password="fpassword"

    Is it possible to POST to such a URL with some options? For the password,i'm planning to use Blesta's password (is it wiser to add a custom password field perhaps) and how do i grab the user's Blesta password? I got the welcome dump variables, and i see no password there. 

    Thanks a lot for your reply @adam !




  11. Sorry since i'm cross posting, but i might have posted my question in wrong place. Moderators, feel free to delete one of them.

    But i really need help to figure out how i can add a service option text field to grab a username for a module i've created. It's very simple module, straight from examples https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Module+Methods

    In WHMCS it was very easy for me to do so. And i don't any flexibility to add from Manage module like with Universal Module, but just a simple text field and read that service option field to provision users.


    Thanks :)

  12. I started off with copying cpanel/cpanel.php into amodule/amodule.php.

    For the name, i worked around using  return Amodule; in the getName function.

    Now i get the Manage Amodule widget, but there are no text there. I've also copied cpanel/views/default/* into amodule/views/default.

    What's preventing the text for the widget boxes?




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