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Everything posted by Chance

  1. It would be nice to prevent emails being sent from system. In our particular case it is because we have some contacts that have a valid email address stored, but we know for FACT the email address is NOT a working email address. Blesta sends emails to these users not caring about the bounce-backs that will occur due to no such mailbox. Other plugin developers may have their own reason to prevent emails being sent. In reviewing the event triggers in app/models/emails.php, it would be very simple to add a variable that plugins can set to prevent email sending, or leave alone to allow emails to flow as normal. It involves changing this block of code currently in /app/models/emails.php, line #558: // Trigger the event $eventFactory = $this->getFromContainer('util.events'); $eventListener = $eventFactory->listener(); $eventListener->register('Emails.send'); $tags = array_merge( $tags, (array) $eventListener->trigger( $eventFactory->event('Emails.send', compact('action', 'options', 'tags')) )->getReturnValue() ); to this block of code (not much difference at all): // Trigger the event $abort = null; $eventFactory = $this->getFromContainer('util.events'); $eventListener = $eventFactory->listener(); $eventListener->register('Emails.send'); $event = $eventFactory->event('Emails.send', compact('action', 'options', 'tags', 'abort')); $event_result = $eventListener->trigger($event)->getReturnValue(); if( $event_result['abort'] ) { $this->Input->setErrors([ 'email' => [ 'sending_restricted' => $event_result['abort'] ] ]); return ''; } if( is_array($event_result['tags']) ) { $tags = array_merge($tags, $event_result['tags']); } The same code could also replace the current code for Emails.sendCustom event trigger. Plugins could theoritecally define their reason for stopping the email by defining a string error message in the abort parameter. I believe the abort variable would need to be handled as a possible array upon return of event in case multiple plugins define reasons to abort sending.
  2. Clearly this is not a bug after all. Figured I should update this to let others know the issue in case they encounter it as well following imports. Issue is 100% related to log group not being set proper when importing from WHMCS. Since all the imported gateway log entries had the same group value, only one PayPal Payments Standard row was being shown in the Blesta Gateway Logs. So EVERY log entry was tied to the same gateway row. Corrected this by providing a unique group value for each entry. The Gateway log lists now shows more than just the single PayPal Payments Standard row this post first mentioned. And filtering works like it should.
  3. There are no 3rd-party extensions installed outside of my own 3 plugins. My plugins do NOTHING in admin (other than add some admin menu items and load content IF those menu items are clicked). To be sure they are not interfering, I have disabled them all. The gateway log filter does POST to server, and the Logs model DOES find the matching transaction. The search results are not shown to admin...entire admin logs page just seems to reload. I did programmatically insert the logs_gateway records because the ImportManager plugin does not import that data. Our client wanted EVERYTHING from WHMCS imported over. In doing this, I used Blesta's Logs Model to achieve this. I can see that the log filtering IS matching the search criteria....just not showing the result to admin. I provided the steps to reproduce in previous post.
  4. Further reviewing the POST when filtering the gateway logs......In controller (admin_tools.php) and action (logGateway), it shows that the method (getGatewayList) of model (Logs) DOES return a matching log entry for the transaction being searched for. I see this by dumping the results of line #247 in admin_tools.php and terminating program execution. The single matched transaction is shown. But the AJAX request response to the posted filter does NOT contain the transaction. And the admin page simply appears to refresh, as if no search operation transpired at all.
  5. I deleted all log files in logs_blesta and tried searching for a single transaction. Left date fields blank. I have the PayPal Payments Standard row expanded showing hundreds of log entries as I enter the transaction ID to filter. I click Submit. The page simply reloads with the PayPal Payments Standard row collapsed. I get no search results that I can see. If I click on the PayPal Payments Standard row, it just reloads ALL the gateway log entries. And the logs_blesta directory remains empty.
  6. We have many entries in the gateway log for PayPal Payments Standard. We are looking to find the gateway log for a specific transaction. We visit Logs -> Gateway and filter by Content. We enter the transaction ID of the transaction we want to look up. We have tried entering both a start and end date applicable to the transaction date as well as leaving both filter date fields empty. We click Submit. We get nothing. Watching the console, we see the AJAX call does not return a matching transaction. It appears to simply reload the same page content as before filtering: {"replacer":".content_section","content":"\n \n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tabs_row\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tabs_nav\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"prev\">&nbsp;<\/a><a href=\"#\" class=\"next\">&nbsp;<\/a><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tab_slider\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\n<li class=\"first\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/module\/\">Module<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/messenger\/\">Messenger<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"current\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/gateway\/\">Gateway<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/email\/\">Email<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/users\/\">User Logins<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/contacts\/\">Contacts<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/clientsettings\/\">Client Settings<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/accountaccess\/\">Account Access<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/transactions\/\">Transactions<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/cron\/\">Cron<\/a><\/li>\n<li class=\"\"><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/invoicedelivery\/\">Invoice Delivery<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tabs_content\">\n<div class=\"inner\"><form method=\"post\" action=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/gateway\/\" style=\"\" class=\"widget_filter_form\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_csrf_token\" value=\"0b4c59bb7966d8d62f3a6753aac0008e5707c5dbf573dc2e07db9e7ba83e3385\" \/>\n<div class=\"pad\"><ul class=\"row\"><li class=\"col-md-3\"><label for=\"string\">Content<\/label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"filters[string]\" value=\"7M8076186K676010F\" id=\"string\" class=\"form-control stretch\" placeholder=\"Content\" data-value=\"7M8076186K676010F\" \/>\n<\/li><li class=\"col-md-3\"><label for=\"start_date\">Start Date<\/label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"filters[start_date]\" value=\"2023-10-30\" id=\"start_date\" class=\"date form-control\" placeholder=\"Start Date\" data-value=\"2023-10-30\" \/>\n<\/li><li class=\"col-md-3\"><label for=\"end_date\">End Date<\/label>\n<input type=\"text\" name=\"filters[end_date]\" value=\"2023-12-31\" id=\"end_date\" class=\"date form-control\" placeholder=\"End Date\" data-value=\"2023-12-31\" \/>\n<\/li><\/ul><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" class=\"btn btn-default pull-right\" \/>\n<\/div><\/form>\n<\/div>\n <script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function () {\n $(\"#admin_tools_loggateway.common_box\").on(\"click\", \"a.ajax\", function(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n var form = $(this).parents(\".common_box\").find(\"form.widget_filter_form\");\n\n form.find(\"input\").each(function() {\n var data_value = $(this).data(\"value\");\n\n if (data_value != undefined && data_value !== \"\" && $(this).val == \"\") {\n $(this).attr(\"value\", data_value).val(data_value);\n }\n });\n\n form.find(\"select\").each(function() {\n var data_value = $(this).data(\"value\");\n\n if (data_value != undefined && data_value !== \"\" && $(this).val == \"\") {\n $(this).val(data_value);\n }\n });\n\n var action = $(form).attr(\"action\");\n $(form).attr(\"action\", $(this).attr(\"href\"));\n $(form).submit();\n $(form).attr(\"action\", action);\n return false;\n });\n });\n <\/script>\n <script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function () {\n $(this).blestaBindDatePicker();\n });\n <\/script>\n \n <script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function () {\n $(\"#admin_tools_loggateway .filter-toggle\").click(function () {\n $(this).parents(\".common_box\").find(\"form.widget_filter_form\").toggle();\n });\n });\n <\/script>\n <script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function () {\n $(\"form.widget_filter_form\").submit(function(event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n var that = this;\n if ($(this).blestaDisableFormSubmission($(this))) {\n $(this).blestaRequest(\"POST\", $(this).attr(\"action\"), $(this).serialize(),\n \/\/ On success\n function(data) {\n if (data.hasOwnProperty(\"replacer\") && data.hasOwnProperty(\"content\")) {\n $(that).parents(\".common_box\").find(data.replacer).html(data.content);\n }\n },\n null,\n {dataType: \"json\", complete: function() { $(\"form.widget_filter_form\").blestaEnableFormSubmission($(\"form.widget_filter_form\")); }}\n );\n }\n });\n });\n <\/script><div class=\"common_box_content\"> <div class=\"inner\">\n <table class=\"table\">\n <tr class=\"heading_row\">\n <td><span><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/gateway\/?sort=gateway_name&amp;order=desc\" class=\"ajax\">Name<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n <td><span><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/gateway\/?sort=staff_first_name&amp;order=desc\" class=\"ajax\">Staff<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n <td class=\"last\"><span><a href=\"\/admin\/tools\/logs\/gateway\/?sort=date_added&amp;order=asc\" class=\"ajax desc\">Date<\/a><\/span><\/td>\n <\/tr>\n <tr class=\"expand gateway_list\">\n <td><a href=\"\/admin\/settings\/company\/gateways\/manage\/1\/\">PayPal Payments Standard<\/a><\/td>\n <td> <\/td>\n <td>Nov 01, 2023 4:22:14 AM<\/td>\n <\/tr>\n <tr class=\"expand_details\" id=\"group_c90ec838\">\n <td colspan=\"3\" class=\"subtable\">\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n <\/table>\n <\/div>\n \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n \/\/ Fetch all gateway logs applied to the given gateway log group\n $(\".gateway_list\").click(function() {\n $(this).blestaUpdateRow(\"\/admin\/tools\/gatewayloglist\/\" + $(this).next(\"tr\").attr(\"id\").split(\"_\")[1], \".subtable\");\n });\n });\n<\/script>","message":null} I would expect that when I filter the gateway logs for a transaction ID, the Content field would map to the data field in DB table and find any log entries containing my search criteria. I can find the transaction log entry simply by using Ctrl + F and entering the same transaction ID into browser's Find field, so we know the gateway logs DO contain this transaction. The log system should allow us to filter on any log field as needed. Blesta v5.9.3 PHP 7.4.33 MySQL 10.2.44
  7. When a NON-PRIMARY contact is in session, and an admin clicks Login as Client, Blesta puts the ID of the staff member into $_SESSION['blesta_id'], overwriting any existing $_SESSION['blesta_id'] value. This produces a problem where code that plugins use to obtain contact data are no longer working because admins are NOT contacts. Steps to reproduce: 1) Login into client area as a NON-PRIMARY contact 2) Do NOT log out of client area 3) Visit admin area 4) Login as admin 5) Load a client in admin portal 6) Use More Actions to Login as Client 7) When a plugin uses the below code to obtain contact data, it fails to pull the correct contact data. It pulls the primary contact, when it should pull the non-primary contact that was logged in PRIOR to Blesta overwriting the $_SESSION['blesta_id'] variable $client_id = $this->Session->read('blesta_client_id'); $user_id = $this->Session->read('blesta_id'); if( $client_id ) { Loader::loadModels($this, ['Clients', 'Contacts']); $client = $this->Clients->get($client_id); if( $client ) { $contact = $this->Contacts->getByUserId($user_id, $client->id); if( !$contact ) { $contact = $this->Contacts->get($client->contact_id); } } } Whether this is by design or not I am not sure. Hence this report. Please advise. Blesta v5.9.3 PHP 7.4.33 MySQL 10.2.44
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