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Everything posted by Paul

  1. We are planning to add a setting to disable automatic application of credits, and a feature to apply credits to invoices manually. This task is assigned to CORE-468
  2. That option is already there. When adding a service as an admin you can select "Do Not Invoice".
  3. You may be affected by the same issue, we'll have to look into this. Do you see any packages at all, or none?
  4. Create a new package that uses the same module that is free, then Manage the service on their client profile page as an admin, and you can change their package to the free one.
  5. Cant you just update the package pricing for all terms to $0.00?
  6. Are you using a reseller username, and not root? Someone reported an issue where root plans were displayed, but not those for the reseller user.
  7. Ah, ok sounds good. The patch is going through QA now.
  8. I was able to duplicate this, please change.. To.. In both the HTML and Text sections. Note it requires 2x "=" and not 1.
  9. This has been corrected, and a fix was posted in the referenced thread. The patch will hopefully be out later today. Not sure the reason for the new thread though..?
  10. So the issue here is just that coupons are applied after tax, rather than before tax?
  11. Please post the content of both the HTML and text sections.
  12. Blesta is very dynamic, and a lot of things shouldn't be cached. Blesta does some of its own caching, if your cache directory is writable. I'm not that familiar with Cloudflare (though they are great guys, and we've met some of them) but if there's an option to disable caching for Blesta I'd do it and see if that corrects many of these issues.
  13. I think that some method by which to automatically sort clients into specific client groups would be good to have, so it's a good idea. Before we would consider such a feature, we would probably want to see some different use cases so that it could be designed in a way that is broad in scope.
  14. It's working for you now, so that's good at least.. chalk it up ta some kind of glitch. If a particular widget has an issue, just that one widget won't load. So, I thought this was a pretty interesting case since none of them loaded.
  15. Paul


    Resellers are able to offer v3 licenses, however it's taking some time for some of them to get up and running. v3 is based on an entirely new licensing system. All resellers currently have the ability to add v3 licenses in our interface, but we are still working on the API so they can issue v3 licenses automatically in their systems.
  16. Clients can already close tickets from the ticket overview at /client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/ I've assigned the auto ticket closure feature to CORE-725
  17. We should have something preliminary to test for WHM** by the end of this week. We want to do a HB importer next, but we don't have a copy of the software running and the lack of trial or monthly license makes that difficult. Does anyone have a dev or non-production license they are willing to lend us?
  18. Awesome, good to hear. It'll be in the patch tomorrow or Wednesday along with some other fixes.
  19. We are aware of this issue, though it appeared to be more limited in scope. It's suppose to be fixed in 3.0.2, would you mind testing the attached file? 1. Backup everything 2. Overwrite /app/models/services.php with the one attached. Let me know if it solves it. services.php
  20. SolusVM deserves some praise for taking security seriously. You could argue that they should have been more security conscious earlier, but this was a good move.
  21. 1. Haven't thought much about that, but it's something we can certainly do. 2. Yes, we are planning to offer a verification badge. It will not be free, because we will need to audit the code to make sure it's safe. Those that want to purchase the service, and who pass our verification process will get the badge. 3. Good idea
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