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Posts posted by WebhostingNZ.com

  1. Could a plugin / module not be made to do this task though?  Haven't had a play with making a plugin or module myself yet but couldn't it read the fields of both packages and ask how to match or what should go where for the transfer then just either generate an sql to run, or run it ?


  2. You can create an email account (or forwarder to another email account) and when something like that comes in they will get support request failed, but you will still get the email in the email account.

    We have all of our support emails setup with a proper email account and the piping, that way if there is a problem with Blesta or the account its on for any reason, we still have access to any emails and have a way to easily reply.

    You do need to remember to clear the emails from the support email box from time to time as it will fill up.


  3. Hey,


    It seems the System Overview widget does not respect the company timezone, sorry about all the black:




    The above was taken at 11.50am NZDT (+13:00).

    Company is set to (UTC +13:00 DST) Auckland same as my local time

    Server time is GMT: Thu Dec 17 22:52:26 GMT 2015.


    Not sure what timezone the users active today resets, but something seems incorrect.

  4. Hi Tyson,
    The merchantAccountId is not the same as the API Merchant ID which you use to connect to Braintree.
    As mentioned in the above link "Each merchant account can only process transactions for a single currency."
    To set the merchantaccountID when processing:
    To process in a different currency in Braintree you use a different Merchant Account ID. Until I made the changes and started to pass different MerchantAccountId's everything was settling in GBP.  Below is from our Braintree account, as you can see each merchant ID is for a different currency




  5. Another option would be a link that pops up a window with the original/suggested template contents, so that you can review it and then copy some or all of it as needed. This way, you don't have to completely wipe out your current template in order to cherry pick a few lines from the original template.



    I'm partial to just making the original content available in plain-text. Whether that is in the docs, or in the UI itself, so long as it can be copied. Automatically resetting content could end up causing more problems than it solves.


    That would be perfect actually.  A popup that displays what was there by default without changing what you have. 'Show Default Template Text'.

  6. Hi Paul,


    Yes I know they are two different things.  I hit the problem in both that's why I mentioned them however I don't think it's so important for the Portal plugin to have such a link/button.


    I think a link that inserts the text similar to how it's done with the 'Predefined Responses' for the support manager would be nice.  If it were a button some people might think it's also saving it at the same time.


    And yes to the words 'Reset Template', reset to default sounds like it will reset everything.



    I'm just making note, and posting on the forums everything I hit that I think could be improved on as a new user, my feature requests and minor bug reports are almost all done.



  7. I believe some searches already remove extra white-space. Which search type is problematic for you?

    Hi Tyson,


    Mostly the Client and Service search would be good to have a trim() on them.  I've just checked both and both have problems with a whitespace at the start or end.  Normally it's when a customer emails in their domain or mentions the account is under xxxx and you copy paste it into the search.

  8. Hi,


    It would be nice to have a 'reset to default' for things like the email templates.  Once you make a change the only way to revert back is to look into the plugin/module code.  Normally you would not want to revert back but there is a couple of times where it would be handy.


    For example we have just finished importing all of our customers into Blesta for this import we set up a custom welcome email for the customer.  Now without going into the code there is no way to find out what suggestion Blesta had for a normal welcome email.  Also the Portal would be a good place.  I made a change in there and forgot about it, needed to revert it back and ended up with an Oh noes! error, since I'd not made changes (apart from breaking it) a 'reset to default' button would be nice here too.



  9. Hey,


    Braintree Payment Gateway version 1.0.1.  (Also affects 3rd Party Braintree version 1.0).


    Currently the 'merchantAccountId' is not being passed to 'Braintree_Transaction::sale' (or even saved anywhere) so will only charge in the default currency set in braintree.



    I personally use the 3rd party module so have made the changes myself for it to work, if anyone needs help with getting it to work before a fix is in place just send me a message.

  10. Hi Tyson,


    I do understand why the error shows the date it does.  However you want Blesta to be used by everyone not just people who look into the database and understand large time differences.  I personally think this should be fixed to either show the date in the correct timezone for the company, or as a quick fix add the servers Timezone to the end of the error so people are aware that the error date is not the same timezone as they are in.


    Without any change the date set IS greater than the last renew date as no timezones are shown on the page to clarify.

  11. Hey,


    Blesta: 3.6.1

    Modules: Tested in cPanel and 3rd Party Webdrive, both same result


    When changing the renewal date back to the last renewed date the error returned displays the date as it is saved in the database, not converted into the timezone for the company which could be confusing for some.


    As you can see in the image below, the error date and the date I set to renew are different.  The company this is happening on is in timezone GMT+13 currently.  In the database it always saves as a day previous to what is set.





    EDIT: to get around this warning I just edit the renewal date in the database as the last renew date was set by an import script.

  12. Hey,


    I think it would be handy if user input was run past php trim() before being processed, at least for the search if not everywhere.  I've been trying to think how this could cause a problem but for the last few days I've come up with nothing, just many more times I've been caught out by having a space at the start of a copy/paste into the search box.


    The search in the top right corner will not find what you are looking for if you copy/paste and catch a space, or tab at the start or end of your copy


    trim() would also be handy on domain input for the cPanel module, that one caught me a few times when adding a few services.  In the end I added it to my import script to do it first, but got caught out on a few I had to put in manually.


    This is again a small thing and it's simple to find/remove the space at the start but still a valid feature request as I would have thought it should have already been in. 


    No flaming for silly feature requests.... I understand that my feature requests are trivial and there are much better things for devs to spend time on, but the only way to better the product is to point out places that I feel could be improved on.



  13. Hi Licensecart,


    Thank you for taking the time to reply, however I feel my initial post actually answers your question.  I will try make it clearer below.


    Both cases below start on PKG1, default price and no coupon


    Case 1:

    Change package to PKG2, add coupon.

    Result: expected package is changed and coupon is applied


    Case 2:

    Change package to PKG2, override price

    Result: Unexpected, package is still PKG1 but price is as set in override.



  14. Hey,


    Not sure if this is a small bug or a feature request, since it's a very minor thing I thought feature request is best, please move if needed.


    When editing a service you are able to change the Package/Term and enter a coupon code at the same time, however you are not able to change the package/term and use override price at the same time.


    I think it would be pretty handy to be able to change the package and override the price in the same save since they are under the same 'Upgrade/Downgrade' section.


    I have tested this on the cPanel module, enom module and 3rd party webdrive module and feel this is not to do with the modules but actual design.


    Currently if you try change the Package/Term and override the price at the same time your service will have the old Package/Term but the correct overridden price.



  15. Hi CyanDark,

    Thank you for posting, I'd like to add for anyone else that may come across this.


    Comment out line 728:

    $rules['cpanel_domain']['test']['if_set'] = true;

    Without doing this you are not able to modify the account with test in the domain name.

  16. mysql> SELECT * FROM `company_settings` WHERE `key` = 'tax_id';
    | key    | company_id | value     | encrypted | inherit |
    | tax_id |             1 |               |            0 |         0 |
    | tax_id |             2 |               |            0 |         1 |
    | tax_id |             3 |               |            0 |         1 |
    | tax_id |             4 |               |            0 |         1 |
    | tax_id |             5 |               |            0 |         1 |
    | tax_id |             6 | 123456789|        0 |         1 |
    6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    This is only happening with company 6.  This company tax number is only in one place in the the database as above that is in the company_settings, it's not found in the client_settings anywhere.  But when the key tax_id entry is missing from client_settings for a customer of company 6 it will use the tax_id for the company.


    I could make a quick video to prove this or I could PM you login details to my install so you can see for yourself if you would like.

  17. Hi Tyson,


    Sorry I should have mentioned that.  On the /clients/edit/ page after they have been imported.  I run a query on the database the only time the tax code was mentioned was in company_settings once so I know if it finds no tax_id for the customer, it reads the company one instead if there is one.


    Steps to test.


    1) Setup company with company tax number

    2) create customer with my above API code, OR create customer with Blesta web interface and delete the database line tax_id for the customer under company_settings in the database.

    3) View the edit customer page in Blesta, you will see the company tax ID showing.


    I have just tested the above creating the customer in Blesta then manually removing the tax_id line and as expected the company tax number shows under the customer.


    This also affects invoices as I mentioned above.

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