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Posts posted by Abdy

  1. 19 minutes ago, BlestaStore said:

    So mate if I put the page() information in the index it would show /forum/1/ mate?

    Yes, but will be accessible from /forum/index/1/

    If you want to delete the index part of the url you will need to make a route like this

    Router::route("^forum/(.+)", "/my_plugin/forum/index/$1");

    You can take as an example the main controller of a previous version of BlestaCMS. It works in a similar way.

  2. Assuming you have a controller named "Forum" and a "page" function.


    class Forum extends MyPluginController {
        public function index() {
            // Main view
        public function page() {
            if (!empty($this->get[0]) && is_numeric($this->get[0])) {
                $page_id = $this->get[0];
            } else {
                $page_id = 1;
            // Load forum model
            Loader::loadModels($this, ['MyPlugin.ForumsFunctions']);
            // Get forum page
            $forum = $this->ForumsFunctions->getForum($page_id);


  3. 7 hours ago, PauloV said:

    Hello everybody :) im back :P

    First of, sorry to all for not updating all my modules/plugins/extensions/etc

    Have been very buisy the last 2 years :( family and work eheh :)

    My first question is:

    WTF, Blesta didnt release the new domain system????

    We are ready to major change from whmcs to blesta, and also to update all our free modules/plugins/etc but now we are thinking twice :( I hope to be rong :blesta:

    @Paul Any feedback?

    P.S: @Blesta Addons Sorry for not testing or send anu replies :(

    You're still alive. :D 

    Welcome back.

  4. The module has not been abandoned and is still under development, but it is a large module and is being developed from 0. In February it will definitely be released to the public.

    I initially miscalculated the timing of the development and I apologize for that.

    However, if someone wishes, as indicated in the campaign you can request a refund. You can send me a PM to request a refund.

  5. On 1/23/2018 at 1:12 PM, Tyson said:

    The current logic exists to prevent customers from receiving the service for free for a period of time. The cutoff for voiding the invoice is when it is past due since that is the point we can reasonably assume the customer is entirely liable to pay the invoice for services rendered. If a customer has a service, but does not pay the invoice for it, it will become canceled after a period of time. During that time, they have received the service for free, but you are still due the amount of the invoice for having rendered the service to the customer.

    If, instead, you void the invoice at that point, you accept that you are letting the customer have the service for free for that period. This behavior can be taken advantage of by customers to repeatedly receive free services for a length of time. For example, they can purchase a service, not pay for the renewal, and get the service for free until it's canceled and the invoice is voided. Then they can re-purchase it and repeat the process to get some time for free without worrying about paying an open invoice.

    If you would like to offer free service time to customers in such cases, that sounds would be a business decision on your part, and we could add a new option to allow past due invoices to be voided upon cancellation, e.g.

    Open Invoices that are X Days Past Due Will be Voided
    - Any - (always void a past due invoice on cancellation)
    0 Days (default, current behavior)
    1 Day
    2 Days
    3 Days
    60 Days


    I believe that this proposal is a good option, as the company will be able to choose what best suits their needs.

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