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Everything posted by cloudrck

  1. No, I was going to try that, but it seemed like it would makre things more complicated by declaring/restricting directories. Wow, that fixed it. Shouldn't these directories have been created by blesta? Did I miss this in the documentation?
  2. This would be easier if there were any error messages, but PHP/Nginx don't log any errors. Blesta only says it can't upload the file. @ServZoo what error messages are you getting? EDIT I enabled error reporting and logging for all errors. catch (Exception $e) { // file could not be written error_log($e->getMessage(), 3, "/tmp/my-errors.log"); } This is what I'm getting now. Even if I change the tmp directory, it still tries /tmp
  3. Normal PHP uploads work fine. Seems to be an issue with Blesta. I'm going to have to dig in the code later
  4. I think I had tested Blesta on non-ssl and it worked. Never tested a regular upload i don't think, it's been some time since I tried to troubleshoot this. I'll do that next Are you running PHP-FPM?
  5. I have no PHP/Nginx errors, but I still get the Blesta error on trying to upload anyfile. I'm stuck
  6. I know what you mean, a lot of it has to do with Nginx being new and lacking documentation. This is what I was referring to http://wiki.nginx.org/IfIsEvil
  7. I've found the IF to be very funny acting in Nginx, especially when trying to mimic Apache mod_rewrite such as with the !-e $request_filename line, and should be avoided whenever possible. Try this inside your location / instead try_files $uri /index.php?$args; Which version of Nginx are you using, I never had this issue with my confguration.
  8. As far as I can tell this line is unneeded The @blesta function takes care of what you're trying to accomplish here. What issues were you having without this? if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php; }
  9. If you go around on Bitcoin/crypto related forums, you'll see people warning against MtGox a while back. They never knew what they were doing from the beginning, just trying to cash in on the bandwagon jumpers, it was only a matter of time before their incompetence caught up with them.
  10. That's it, thanks. I was too lazy to go through the database and figure this out myself. Yes, but I didn't want to go through 10 pages and delete tickets
  11. What version of PHP are you running? What database/version do you use on your dev environments?
  12. cloudrck

    Mariadb Support?

    Out of the box yes, but they can both be tweaked fairly well.
  13. cloudrck

    Mariadb Support?

    My database isn't big enough to notice a different between MySQL and MariaDB. They were both about the same speedwise.
  14. cloudrck

    Mariadb Support?

    They have fixed the one issue I've experienced with MariaDB. All is well in MariaDB land
  15. I have about 2K worth of spam tickets I need to close. I remember seeing a mysql query to close all open tickets. Can't seem to find it, does anyone know if off hand?
  16. Nothing works, I get When either adding to spam or deleting EDIT I fixed it. http://cloudrck.com/patches/support_manager_mass_fix.patch
  17. My 3GPU setup is complete
  18. Chicago, everything else is insanely expensive, but at least I get cheap electricity. I use a profit switching pool and I make enough money for breakfast and lunch everyday at the moment. But I'm going to hold on to some coins I think will be valuable in the near future.
  19. With some tweaking, look at me now
  20. cloudrck

    Release 3.1.1

    Patching this (rather than uploading the whole install) doesn't seem to increment the displayed version number at the bottom right corner of the admin panel, is this normal.
  21. I'm thinking about switching to https://www.multipool.us so I can mine various coins (Dogecoin is on the rise, especially after the the mainstream press coverage it received after helping send a bobsled team to the Olympics.) I've been looking at the different exchanges, and watching the market caps. Curious Paul, how much is electricity where you guys are at?
  22. I had issues with cgminer 3.7.2 crashing when I modified the clock speed. Sgminer is a fork of cgminer, exclusively for scrypt GPU mining. sgminer is more stable for my setup. Now I need to go to the hardware store so I can build an open case for this thing.
  23. I decided to just build a rig, one of my GPU's came in. With another one on backorder. AMD Sempron 145 Asrock 970Extreme4 2GB RAM Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X 1000W Roswill PSU I got Xubuntu running with the latest stable 13.12 AMD drivers on a USB stick. I switched to sgminer as cgminer doesn't support scrypt any more and I'd rather have my software updated. I get 870Kh/s with export DISPLAY=:0 export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1 export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100 -I 20 -g 1 -w 512 --thread-concurrency 24000 I also had to set my engine clock speed to 1000, and my memory clock speed to 1499. That gave me a 100Kh/s increase from stock.
  24. I'm still working on how the market works, thinking about using http://www.middlecoin.com/ for max profitability. I should be getting the card soon (prices went up again, go figure) and I got a new 1000W PSU) The only other issue I have to worry about is electricity use, at the moment this is what my usage amounts to for my entire household. I will see how this fairs when my new equipment gets here.
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