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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Small changes on Blesta Import plugin should import that quickly but maybe Paul/Cody/Tyson could help you on that P.S- im a litle late on releasing the OpenSRS update. I will try to release next week. Sorry all
  2. Keep reading my Forum Post http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3344-opensrs-alpha-101-relesed/page-3#entry32834
  3. Hello Jonathin This is not a bug, is the intended way Blesta Support Manager only chnages the "Reply To" email adress, noting else But maybe @Paul//@Tyson/@Cody can also confirm this on core Support Manager I have try to replicate the issue and, it works fine for me Do you have "debug mode" active on your blesta config file? Can you try to use PIPE, insted of IMAP, to see if it works? Regards, PV
  4. Hello, the easy way is to put the field readonly, on the template. Open the file with any code editor (Recomend: NotePad ++): /[your-blesta-dir]/app/views/client/bootstrap/client_main_edit.pdt After the last line of that file add this code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#email").prop('disabled', true); }); </script> save the file and replace it Hope that helps Regards, PV
  5. Hello I have tested using the link https://cleverhost.ca/ingress/order/main/packages/web-hosting/?group_id=1 and I can see your order form without any problems, and without being logged in Did you change anything? Are you logged in as Client? if so, what are the "Client" currency? Regards, PV
  6. Hello A couple of more days and I will released Im oping to release on Friday next week Regards, PV
  7. Why not add 2 new fields: 1st- On Company, to store next Pro-forma invoice to be generator (this way we always know the next number) 2nd- On Invoive table, to store the old Pro-Forma number, and then display that number in a new colum on Client Invoices listings I think (for what I have tested), is only a couple of lines do be changed on core files, nothing to hard, and it will not interfer with what is alredy made
  8. Hello, you can get it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/live-helper-chat/knooimelchgpbpblfhlgkdifnabcolin Regards, PV
  9. I have added a new problema to the list: Problem: Wen an pro-forma is converted to final invoice, we cannot find the old pro-forma number for tracking proposes. Solution: Add an option to show on Admin/Staff client invoices a new colum with the old number, and be able to search with the old number also.
  10. Strange this has not ben apply, this was/is a MAJOR problem, and should be reseolved ASAP, this ais a very basic funtion vital for any Registrar Module. You can apply my fix above http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3028-enom-module-missing-renew-extend-command/#entry21773 @Paul / @Tyson / @Cody Please add this code above ASAP, its a BIGGGG problem for everyone that uses eNom, and this is vital for a company, this cannot ever/never happend, it can cause serious problems and even shutdown a Hosting Company if we loose a Client Domain.
  11. Every "new toy" has a learning curve I develop lots of modules for WHMCS, also for other billing systems like WHMAutoPilot, AWBS, ClienyExec and of course Blesta and I can say that blesta is the most complet, open and easy platform for us developers, to make use oglf our imagination and build extensions for it I also motice for the lack of info on docs, but a good developer always find a way to learn and adapt On WHMCS you can easily create modules but you are very limited on what you can do, you only can do what they allow to do, in blesta you can do everything Like you said, more documentation for devs are welcome, but i prefer more core functionality like fixing some issues and add new features. This community help each outher, so if you have any quaestions just ask
  12. Welcome to "The Blesta Developer Side" (like star wars, lol "come in to the dark side" )
  13. I can confirm, that is working OK, wen I manual create an Pro-Forma invoice, and after the cron run (sent the pro-forma by email), I have submited Manual Payment in "Record Payment for invoice", then pay in full, I didnt check the option "Email Receip", then click on Continue, and in Closed invoices, the final invoice show emidiatly the status "sent" without time for the cron to run, but after 5 minuts (my cron runs) and I have recived the "Copy" email with the final invoice. @Tyson: Its working ok
  14. @Tyson PointPubMedia as ask me for a cutom work for that to happend, because blesta cant do that in native mode So +1 for a feature
  15. My vote goes to naja7host ideia: Thanks for test it, I have changed, and also have added a new issue founded, on first post
  16. Hello Blestars Here it is Blesta VAT MOSS report for all EU blestars Here is some teasers: How to Install/Update 1º- Download the Blesta Vat Moss Report: Download Here (updated 16-04-2015) 2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "vat_mos" to blesta /components/reports/ directory. 3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Billing->Reports->Report Type and it will list the "Vat Moss" report, just select. If you like it, and want to donate, please use this PayPal link, just clique here! How to Uninstall Just remove the folder "vat_mos" from blesta /components/reports/ directory. Hope you like it
  17. Hello, The best way is pick a Plugin or Gatway Module alredy done, open it, and try to make some test's modifications to it. Then test in real time in a dev enviorment to see the results That way you will figure it out how things work Read this: Create a Plugin: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Creating+a+Plugin Create a Module: http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Modules Hope that helps. Good luke and welcome to the blesta comunity
  18. Thanks naja7host I hve added your sugestion Yep, every day I went to Dev CORE dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE to see what is done
  19. Hello Paul/Tyson/Cody EU Commission Information: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/taxation/vat/how_vat_works/telecom/index_en.htm How to Register for and Use the VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS): https://www.gov.uk/register-and-use-the-vat-mini-one-stop-shop VAT Rates by Country: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/taxation/vat/how_vat_works/rates/vat_rates_en.pdf We need to "polish" Eu Billing/Pro-Forma invoices in blesta, there is alredy alot of talk in blesta foruns and a recent one in WebHostinTalk about how blesta needs to go to be fully EU compatible, so I open this forum to male "pressure" for you acomplish every aspect asap Im now finalising a new VAT MOSS Report for blesta (will release later today for free for evryone in EU) (VAT moss its finished please check here ) The most completed and Biggest Thread to fix all issues with EU/Pro-Forma invoices in Blesta Problem: New EU Law Compilant for Data Protection Solution: https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2463 Problem: Wirth the new EU Law that is active since 1 January 2015, EU consumers have to see prices with TAX of the country of origin. Wen activating tax inclusive or excluse, dosent reflect on order form prices. Solution: Wen a client is not logged in, in blesta, it show show a POPUP to select country of origin, or use GEO to pre select the country, but always have an option to the client change saving as a cookie or session. After that the order forms have to diplay prices with and without TAX, and also shoe the tax rate, for exemple show like this example [Hostin Plan starting at €1.23 and then below a note saying (Prices incl. 23% VAT)] Problem: Wen acidentaly creating an Pro-Forma invoice with "0" (zero) Euros, it converts automaticly to an "Final Invoice", this cannot happen, because sometimes we can make mistakes (i did, I put the price in the quantity field insted of the Unit Cost field) Solution: Do not auto convert "0" (zero) invoices to final invoice. Problem: Pro-Forma invoices numbering are not sequential. (CORE-1287) Solution: Dont reuse numbering wen converting a pro-forma invoice to an invoice, wen creating a new pro-forma invoice. Problem: Final invoices can be edited by Staff/Admin. (added sugestion naja7host) Solution: Wen Pro-Forma is enable on Blesta, put an option in ACL to disable Final invoice editing, only be able to edit "Notes" field on Invoice. Final Invoice (even if unpaid), cannot ever never be "EDITED" by any Staff/Admin with the ACL enable (i know in phpMyAdmin is always possible, but...). Problem: Invoice Details are changed, wen a client changes details in contacts. (i think there is alredy a CORE TASK) Solution: Save as an array the details in the invoice table in a new field Problem: Wen converting to final invoice the date mantains the original date. (CORE-1605) Alredy Fixed but not confirmed Solution: Wen converting to final invoice, put the date of the convertion. Wen there is a final invoice (Paid/UNpaid/Partial Paid), the date as to be always changed to the date of the convertion of the final invoice. Problem: We cannot create a manual final invoice, only Pro-Forma invoices. Solution: Wen Pro-Forma is enable on Blesta, add an option to convert to final invoice, even if unpaid. Sometimes we need to Creat a Final Invoice but "Unpaid". Problem: As I saw in webhosting talk: "the way it handles rounding for the transactions, the system stores the values to 4dp in the db so things like tax rules (as mentioned earlier in thread) and auto foreign exchange rate calculations lead to unexpected results because Blesta does the math to 4dp but Paypal for e.g. only cares about 2dp so the user could pay an invoice and suddenly end up with a 1c credit without knowing what went wrong." Solution: Calculate it better Alredy Fixed but not confirmed Problem: Wen final invoice, the email is not sended to the client. (CORE-1561 but not completed with a second wen Full Paid) Fixed and Confirmed Solution: Send an email with the invoice wen converted to final invoice, and also wen is full PAID. Problem: We dont have an option to create "CREDIT NOTES" wen voiding an invoice. Solution: Auto and Manually create a new type of document/invoice called "CREDIT NOTE" if voiding an invoice, with a new sequential numbering. Problem: Total tax, is not being saved in database on "invoice_lines" table. The value must be saved because rounding issues, this way we have to alwaes calculate tha VAT that was in that time to try to get the correct VAT/TAX total. For exemple for the Vat MOSS to work I have to make extra calculations to make it right, but there are companies that like to round value in Total of the invoice, and people that like to round in total for each line. Solution: Create a new field on invoice_lines table, and save the total vat/tax, also i think is better to sabe also the Tax Rate in this table, and not only the ID of the the external table to get the TAX Rate. Alredy Fixed but not confirmed Problem: Creating an account dosent validate VAT MOSS requirements. Solution: On order from wen creating an account, add option to tell if its a Company or an Individual, if company in "EU Country List" show default blesta company TAX Rule, if its an individual, than use the Tax Rule from the individual country in "EU Country", if the Company and or Individual is outside of EU, then show default TAX Rule from Blesta Company Country. Problem: Wen an pro-forma is converted to final invoice, we cannot find the old pro-forma number for tracking proposes. Solution: Add an option to show on Admin/Staff client invoices a new colum with the old number, and be able to search with the old number also. Problem: Custummers dosent have a Country Select Box to select "Country Tax" to show on Services and on Checkout (yes, i know after register the VAT is recalculated). Solution: Add an option or better yet a BOX to show (wen pro forma is enable in admin) on any Blesta Page wen enterying for the first time, (If not Logged In), to select a Country Flag with a warning telling its to show prices with country VAT. Exemple: All Flags or a drop box for countries If anyone elese as anything to add, or any opinion on how to, please share it here, we need this DONE asap Regards, PV
  20. Just to tank you for all your ideas and hard work debugging If you or anybody else wants new options or find any problems please post it here to release a stable version of Blesta Live Chat
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