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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2018 in all areas


    My Setting it up thread

    It's fine was just a long shot
    2 points
  2. Does someone have a blesta database diagram showing primary/foreign key relations etc.? It will save me time composing one for quick reference while developing modules/plugings. Kind regards Chris
    1 point
  3. i did create an EER Diagram using MySQL Workbench's Reverse Engineer option, but it is not linking the table fields. Although the naming of the tables and sub tables and fields is self explanatory, I am not sure if I should link an id of id_value field to an appropriate table without investigation, because there is no primary foreign key relations on the diagram, thus not in the db.
    1 point

    Jumping Ship

    Hey thanks guys, still playing. So far: 1. Easier to manipulate templates 2. Easier to understand file structure 3. Evidently more friendly community I'll be going live middle of next month, thanks for the welcomes
    1 point
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