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Posts posted by Jono

  1. 5 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said:

    the issue is not the popup modal, is the client navigation url, some plugin is set for client side and need to be under client prefix, others for public and should be without client prefix , i think this is the issue not the dialog modal.

    I'm sorry, I still don't understand why the prefix is necessary.  The client controllers can extend ClientController and have a name like client_main regardless of whether they are accessed with the client prefix.

    6 minutes ago, Blesta Addons said:

    that was my point of view regarding PUBLIC and CLIENT navigation url, if they are the same why we have public and client?!!

    Fair question.  I'm not sure we do need a Public and Client URI, perhaps we should consider removing them.  Obviously we still would keep client vs public navigation though as we wouldn't display the same nav items to each.

  2. 9 hours ago, Blesta Addons said:

    i will check with my team, the last time i have tested with a custom plugin it was returning error (404) as it fetch the modal from url without client prefix (GET  https://xxxxxxxxxxx/dialog/confirm/?message=Are you sur you want to delete this Playlist?&confirm_url=/plugin/smart_one/client_main/delete/84984/active/&confirm_data= )

    I see now, the client ticket list page does this:

            $('#client_tickets a[rel]').blestaModalConfirm({
                base_url: '<?php echo (isset($this->client_uri) ? $this->Html->safe($this->client_uri) : null);?>',
                submit: true,
                confirm_data: {id: $('input[name=\"id\"]', $(this)).val()}


    Instead of making you do the same, I will create a task to add a dialog.php controller so the /dialog will be a valid path instead of requiring /client/dialog.  Is this sufficient to resolve the issue?

  3. On 6/15/2021 at 10:36 AM, Blesta Addons said:

    when accessing a link without client prefix,the link is listing some rows,  the confirm delete modal not working, we need to go the prefixed link to make it work.

    Have you debugged why this is the case?  The support manager plugins use widgets with ticket lists and a close modal and all works fine with or without the client/ prefix.  

  4. There is likely an erroneous call to Language::_() in your module.  Argument 1 take a language key (e.g. 'AdminClients.add.name'), Argument 2 is boolean true to return the language and store it in a variable or false to output it to the webpage, argument 3+ are values submitted to sprintf (e.g. language is 'My name is %1$s' and the call is Language::_('AdminMain.myinfo.myname', true, $name)).  Likely you've accidentally submitted an object in argument 3+

  5. Nice!  Looks great! :)  Thanks for developing on Blesta, this is how we'll grow :) 


    A couple notes.

    • It looks like the Power Cycle button on the Rescue Mode could use a margin above it (or below the message).
    • The Reinstall Os tab content doesn't appear to be taking the full width of the screen.


  6. Yes and no.  You are looking for the "clients_format" setting which is set to {num} by default.  You would run a query something like

    UPDATE `company_settings` SET `value` = 'some-prefix-{num}' WHERE `key` = 'clients_format';

    This will do ALMOST what you want, however the prefix is not dynamic. So instead of having IDs like 0001, 0010, and 0100.  It would have to be 0001, 00010, and 000100.

    A couple things to note.  First, this is only for the display ID, obviously not the internal ID.  Second, when searching for a client you can use partial IDs.  So a search for 0100 would match 0100 and 000100.

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