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P & L Overview + Reports


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Hi, Here's a suggestion. Essentially answering THE most important question EVERY biz owner asks themselves daily .... am I making money or am I heading for broke?


Basically, it occurs to me that most of us are small biz and probably have terrible accounting skills along with the fact that very few of us have a bookkeeper on our payroll. So this would give the little guy the advantage and save hundreds/thousands? each year in accounting costs.


Have the ability to see an overview of all financial acitivites (Income, Expenses, Taxes (in/out) and extract reports to be given to an accountant for easier use (read less hours/lower charges) at tax time.


This would require an expenses capability for bookkeeping. So under billing an authorized person could create a category (ie: Misc. Office Supplies) and any others as needed (Domain Reseller fees). To add an expense, click the category to create an expense line. That line contains a Date, Paid To, Invoice number, Sub total, tax paid, total paid. So if you bought some pencils, you can take the receipt and add that as a purchase. Or any of your monthly upstream invoices can be added as they are paid.


Combined with the above, Blesta could then show a real-time overview with total income, total expenses, Profit/Margin. Maybe with a choice such as date-range or last 30,60,90,120, or 1,2,3,4,..12 months.


Reports could be pulled as well, all expenses in last (date-range). All taxes paid, All income...etc. etc. which can then be given as CSV to a bookkeeper or accountant for 'easier' accounting. All business' need to provide Income and Expenses as minimum to any accountant. So this just compiles each of those into separate CSV's for importing.





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Yea, maybe a plugin could work. I'm not sure though, more of a biz process guy myself. Needs more coder input before a plan could be in place.


Definitely what I want to see though. As a managing/owner type. Would pay for it too, a few hundred ... maybe more. Yea a module would be the way to go for the Blesta team. Get them some money coming in. Sell it.




So launch v3 and start working on this...and sell it...as the first Blesta team module. We would want 100% quality no? of course, so no OTHERs (hint hint) need try.


Further, lets see what is coming...in more realtime. Like if we could choose to see what is ACTUALLY projected in the next 30 days. In v2, we saw something like that but is/was not reality. Let's see that more accurate and let's see where the business stands. Financially. That my friends, is where Blesta can take down any other. I've seen them all, I've used them and they all fail. Let's see something that can turn your SMB in a day. With one login, first thing in the morning. Turn it around by 6pm. Because you would NOW know where to focus and WHAT to focus on that day.


maybe its not that code.. [/EDIT]

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I think you should take a look at the reports coming in v3.0.0, which will export CSV data for at least a few of the items you listed above, like transaction amounts coming in, taxes, past-due invoices, etc.

WIll it offer a way to generate reports based on some fields like WHMCS does? Makes easy for ARIN requests if I can just export all IPs and client names ;)

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The current reports don't have options to select which fields you'd like to include in the report, in what order, etc., although I can imagine that being a nice addition. And I'm not familiar with how WHM** does it, but the reports will be very similar to those in v2.


A separate export for client names/IPs could be created, depending on what data you envision the report containing. Reports are also much easier to create, so you can get in there and write your own without needing to update any core code.

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