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  1. Hey guys, We wanted to let you know Blesta Club have released a Proxmox Advanced module! For those not aware, Blesta Club has the largest collection of 3rd party extensions! We offer monthly bundles of items, or the option to purchase owned or source code versions of all our work! We offer Blesta licenses aswell, alongside custom development or sponsorship of new features! So; Back to Proxmox advanced! We had a few users sponsor us collectively to address some wants they had for Proxmox, This has a LOT of features that people were asking us for plus a lot of QoL improvements! Client area management for backups/snapshots/Networking and reinstallation as well as stats available for the client! The goal was to make it as fully self service for clients as possible to reduce tickets and angry clients - As you can see in the photos, It's pretty much ticked all those boxes! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
  2. How can I modify the Update Package to easily switch the module for all assigned services? I would like to find a way to change the module without having to unassign each service individually. What is the best approach to accomplish this?
  3. Hi, I'm currently creating a module which automatically provisions a server in game server panel when a customer purchases a service in Blesta. This module sends a "server creation" request to a game server panel's API endpoint but this endpoint is asynchronous and just responses to the request with a running task ID. After server is created, the game server panel API will send another POST request which includes a server ID to a specific callback URL later. To receive the server ID, I would like to use Appcontroller.preAction event handler in module but is it even possible? I came up with the idea of creating a plugin only for receiving a server ID, but I feel having to enable both module and plugin is not a nice implementation. If anyone has any clean idea to make my dream come true, most welcomed. Thanks,
  4. With infrequent posting on the forums, only 3-4 plugins have been posted here, however over 20 have been developed so far! Anything including plugins, gateways, modules, and messengers. However since nothing new has been posted for a while, following a release of the new "Bulk Download Invoices" plugin (you can find it here: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/197-Bulk%20Download%20Invoices), here's bit of a discount on all of the plugins (except this new one): USE CODE NEWRELEASE2304 FOR 25% OFF PLUGINS FOUND AT THIS PAGE Blesta Plugins | Code Cats Ltd (code-cats.com) - https://my.code-cats.com/order/main/packages/blesta_plugins/?group_id=21
  5. Hello, We are pleased to announce that we are releasing the linode Blesta module. Our Blesta Linode Server Manager Module allows Blesta admins to resell Linode Cloud Servers to their clients via their Blesta Client Area. Clients can also manage their complete server options from the Blesta client area, which means they do not need to log into the Linode account to manage them. Admin Area Features Resell Linode Cloud Servers to Clients in Blesta. Allow clients to Manage Their Servers from Client Area. Setup Products from Blesta Admin Assign Existing Server to Users Assign New Server to Users Create custom StackScripts for Clients Client Area Features Manage server Check CPU Usage Check IPv4, IPv6 Traffic Manage IP (Add Private/Public IP’s) Check Server Activity Logs Allow clients to configure Linode Instances using Stackscripts Yearly Price : $120 Buy Now here : https://whmcsglobalservices.com/blesta-linode-manager/
  6. Nextcloud Simple Nextcloud Provisioning Module --------------------------------------- Links: More Info, Gallery & Readme: https://code-cats.com/blesta/nextcloud/ Purchase: https://my.code-cats.com/order/config/index/blesta_plugins/?group_id=16&pricing_id=165 Download (After purchase, requires login): https://my.code-cats.com/plugin/download_manager/client_main/index/4/ --------------------------------------- Install the Module 1. Upload the source code to a /components/modules/nextcloud/ directory within your Blesta installation path. For example: /var/www/html/blesta/components/modules/nextcloud/ 2. Log in to your admin Blesta account and navigate to > Settings > Modules 3. Find the Nextcloud module and click the "Install" button to install it 4. You're done! Only thing left is to configure it properly. --------------------------------------- Setting up Simple Nextcloud provisioning in Blesta, easy to use. Important note: This module is intended for provisioning to one Nextcloud server, thus, "Server Groups" might be buggy. Inside of the "Package", make sure you select "Any" "Server Group" and then select one server you want to deploy to. If you have multiple servers, for example in different locations, recommended approach is to make a package for each location and let users pick which one they need. Creating a Server: - Go to /admin/settings/company/modules/installed/ and click "Manage" on the "Nextcloud" module - Click "Add Server" in the top right - Fill out required information - Label - This is what you'll see the server named as in the admin panel, name it however you want - Hostname - Full URL to your instance, including http(s)://, for example, https://cloud.mycompany.com - API Username - Username to your API, read "Quick Support" bellow to learn how to find it - API Password - Password to your API, read "Quick Support" bellow to learn how to find it, its in the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx - Capacity - Feature of this module, if you'd like to limit or prevent overallocation, you can set this value to the amount, in GB, that you want deployed to this server. If this amount is exceeded, new orders will be rejected until there's more space on the server. Set to 0 to disable this feature Configurable Options: If you'd like to make "Storage Amount" configurable by users instead of per-package, you can use "Configurable Options" to achieve this. Quick guide (Assumes you know how to create a Configurable Option, Group and assign it to a package) - Create a Configurable Option - "Name" MUST be storage_quota - Under "Options", "Value" should be a number of GB that should be provisioned --------------------------------------- Quick Support Where are my API Username and Password? - Login to your Nextcloud with an admin account - Go to /settings/user/security - Under "Devices & sessions", enter your desired "App name" and click "Create new app password" - Two fields, "Username" and "Password", will pop up, those are your "API Username" and "API Password" required for the module. - IMPORTANT: Once you click "Done", you won't be able to see this password again, so make sure you save it somewhere! --------------------------------------- Images:
  7. Hi, i'm making a module, and i have a configurable option to add a extra in a service, but this add-on must be created by a support member from our side manually and i want to create a support ticket to our admin staff when this bill is full paid. How i can make this? i'm looking the "Events Handlers" https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers But i don't know if this events: "Services.edit" or "Invoices.edit" can be useful to this, in fact i don't know how to use this events on my module, someone have a clue?
  8. Hello, Im creating a blesta module, the problem i have is that the module is using external API that have request rate limits. The problem i want to prevent is when running addService via the cron in case the API is rate limited and there is no response is it possible to skip the cron run, by skip i mean to skip this run and run it again on the next cron run?
  9. Hi, Using the Centova Cast module, Just testing an order form as a demo client (paypal sandbox account) so developer mode is enabled in blesta. Went through the checkout process and ordered a Centova Cast account, $ 3.50 for 1 month. Created an account, used the email from the paypal sandbox account, selected paypal as payment method, Signed in as the new client and the Centova Cast account was already created and waiting, no payment made. I didn't have to login to paypal with the sandbox account to complete the payment. So it provisioned the new Centova Cast account, I was able to log in to the new stream account. There also was an invoice saying i was overdue and please pay 7 USD asap. What should I do? it shouldn't be creating/provisioning any accounts until payment is received right? At least we know the module is connecting that's a good start. Any help appreciated.
  10. when i try update new api namesilo but it not update in module. I tried enabling error reporting on blesta config file at that time I received the following error: Something went wrong. The maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
  11. My hosting provider has provided me the Master reseller package, here is one option WHMPHP master reseller from here i can create reseller account (WHM) for my client.But I am not getting how can I configure it in blesta so that my clients can create reseller package from order form. Is there is any module available for it? Please assist me so that I could create a order form for my reseller client.
  12. mukesh

    logicboxes modules

    output error: https://httpapi.com/api/customers/search.json {"recsonpage":"0","recsindb":"0"}
  13. NameSilo Domain Module This module is a complete solution for domain registrations and transfers through NameSilo. This module builds upon and continues the work by @NETLINK. He and I will be jointly contributing to this project and we welcome any other contributions on GitHub. An old thread related to this plugin was at https://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3399-namesilo-plugin Features Domain registrations Domain transfers Supports all NameSilo-supported TLDs by dynamically listing the available ones to package creation Proper .us/.ca support with necessary fields on order forms NameSilo audits Sync service's renewal date with domain expiration date Register/manage nameservers/hosts Set/change nameservers Update WHOIS details Lock/unlock domain Retrieve EPP code DNSSEC management Check email validation & resend validation email if needed Toggle WHOIS privacy Manually extend registration Transfer status tracking Screenshots Coming soon Installation https://github.com/knownhost/Blesta-Namesilo/blob/master/README.md Upgrading Nothing special is required except when updating from <1.8.0. In this case see the "Other" section below. Known Issues A domain transfer can be ordered for more than 1 year. NameSilo's API does not allow a transfer to extend more than one year so the extra years would be lost if not manually corrected. I'm unsure of how we'll solve this at this point. Future Plans Update for Blesta's new domain management system when release. This will be the v2.0 milestone and will likely be mostly a rewrite of the module. Clean code and remove unnecessary code. Manually extending as an admin should support invoicing/queuing to post-payment. We should be able to do this with the proration logic. DNSSEC management Implemented! Source This module is fully open source and can be found on GitHub. Two repos are kept fully updated with releases currently being built on the second: https://github.com/knownhost/Blesta-Namesilo https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo Download I will make every effort to maintain the listing in the marketplace at https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/80-NameSilo Module GitHub will always definitely be up-to-date: https://github.com/NETLINK/Blesta-Namesilo/releases Other The version 1.8.0 release is a major update building upon @NETLINK's work. The new auditing features will not work properly until you "manage" and save your NameSilo account settings. Everything else should be fully backwards-compatible.
  14. A new Vultr alpha module is available. To install, download the attached vultr.zip and unzip the file. Upload the vultr directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Be sure to check out the documentation. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. This module was sponsored by hostjane.com. Be sure to check them out.
  15. A new CyberPanel alpha module is available. To install, download the attached cyberpanel.zip and unzip the file. Upload the cyberpanel directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Any comments or suggestions, please post them below. cyberpanel.zip
  16. A new TeamSpeak 3 alpha module is available. To install, download the attached teamspeak.zip and unzip the file. Upload the teamspeak directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Any bugs, comments, or suggestions, please post them below.
  17. A new early release ISPConfig module is available. To install, download the attached ispconfig.zip and unzip the file. Upload the ispconfig directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. Please give it a spin and give us your feedback! Here's a sample welcome email you can use for your Package:
  18. I would like a way to resell GoDaddy domains with Blesta. API: https://developer.godaddy.com
  19. A new Centovacast module is available, but it's an early alpha. To install, download the attached centovacast.zip and unzip the file. Upload the centovacast directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. centovacast.zip Please give it a spin and give us your feedback. Here's a sample welcome email you can use for your Package:
  20. anyone here ever create onapp reseller module for blesta? i have dediserve reseller module which based on onapp whmcs reseller module can someone 'convert' the module so it's compatible with blesta?
  21. A new WHMSonic module is available, but it's an early alpha. To install, download the attached whmsonic.zip and unzip the file. Upload the whmsonic directory to ~/components/modules/ and go to Settings > Company > Modules to install it. whmsonic.zip (UPDATED 5/12/17) Sample Email:
  22. Hello,I'm getting error ...1023 Unable to get ip id by address <PUBLIC IP> from db.... with the Plesk module installed in Blesta. It seems like Blesta passes the customer information but gets stuck creating the domains etc in Plesk. I've posted on the Plesk forums too but I dont seem to be getting anywhere there. I should note that im setup on a Google Cloud Compute Engine so am NAT'd which im sure is the issue but I just can't seem to pin this one down.
  23. A new Virtualmin module (alpha) is available. To install, download the attached virtualmin.zip, unzip and upload the "virtualmin" directory to ~/components/modules/ and visit Settings > Company > Modules to install and configure. Any comments or suggestions, please post in this thread! virtualmin.zip
  24. We've been asked a few times since we've sold InterWorx if we can share the module, and since we aren't accepting new orders I feel it's only fair to offer others the chance to resell InterWorx with Blesta the most advanced way if they would like to. This will be a one time fee and we will fix bugs if there is any, but we've used it for 3 years without any issues. This comes with the plugin so you can manage licenses / buy new ones / re-sell un-used licenses to new customers. The license entitles you to use this module / plugin on how many sites you own, so no reselling allowed, the code is open and there are no licensing files / encoding so you can edit / modify whatever you like with no limits. Well minus the above. To purchase please visit the marketplace: https://marketplace.blesta.com/#/extensions/48 Price: $100.00 one-time fee.
  25. CubeData is proud to announce our Release of Our TCAdmin Provisioning Module Please read more on our website below for ordering/purchasing/getting a trial license: https://cubedata.net/tcadmin
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